
Showing posts from March, 2023

End The Drought - Let It Rain!

Now for a long season Israel hath been without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law.     But when they in their trouble “did turn” unto the Lord God of Israel, and “sought him”, “he was found” of them.     (II Chronicles 15:3&4)     End The Drought - Let It Rain!   God said that,  if we seek Him, He will be found by us; but, if we forsake Him, He will forsake us!   Our Daily Nugget is telling us about a long period of time that had gone by without Israel having the true God in their midst; they were without a teaching priest, and without law. The people had collected all kinds of idols (gods) unto themselves and had forsaken the True God.   God allowed the land to become a dangerous and bad place to live; people could not go out and return safely.  The Spirit of God came upon Azariah, and he spoke to King Asa, telling him that the people needed to discard the “idols” (gods) out from among them and commit to the True God.   The people were in a “Spiritual Dro

The "Word Knows"!

  The Word knows them that trust in Him.     Darkness shall pursue the enemies of the Word.     (Nahum 1:7&8) The “Word Knows”!   The Word – God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit!   Our Daily Nugget  is making it plain; we cannot pull a fast one, nor a slow one on God.  God knows our thoughts before we think them.  God knows today, what we will do tomorrow.  He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. God knows if we “trust” Him or not.   All of “life” has already been lived in Him!   Trust – To have confidence in.  To trust in the Lord means more than believing in who he is and what he says.  Having confidence in something means having an assurance that leads to “action”.  Trust in the Lord is a “faith” that lets us “boldly” serve.  Trust or the lack thereof, will show itself in our living.   Darkness – All that separates us from the light, God. All the things that separate us from God shall “pursue”, run after God’s enemies.   Enemy of Word – The world; to tempt God by castin

Importunity - "The Way To Pray"

  I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his “importunity” he will rise and give him as many as he needeth.     (Luke 11:8)   Importunity – "The Way To Pray"!   Our Daily Nugget is part of Jesus’ answer to the disciples when they asked him to teach them “how to pray”.  Jesus started his answer in verse two and the answer to this question he finished in verse thirteen.  Within His answer is our Daily Nugget.  Jesus is telling his disciples and us to be “persistent” in our prayer request to God.   Importunity – “Persistence”, especially to the point of annoyance. Intensity - How Bad do you really, really, “want it”? Has a lot to do with, how soon you’ll get it.   I heard someone say that, if you know God hears you, you only need to ask God for something one time.  This might sound like it makes “good sense”, but it is “not scripture”; therefore, no matter how much good sense it makes, its wrong and that makes it “bad sense

Stand Between the Dead and the Living!

He “stood between” dead and the living, and the plaque stopped.   (Numbers 16:48)     Stand Between the Dead and the Living!   God is looking for Kingdom Citizens to “stand” between the dead and the living!   God had become “fed up” with the rebellion to his leaders, the finger pointing of the people, the sinning of the people.  Read all of chapter sixteen to get a clear picture of just how foolish the people had become.  Someone needed to stand between death and life for the people, as God was ready to destroy them all. This is what Jesus did for us.  We were lost in sin, foolishness, and unable to save ourselves.   Only the “righteous heart, mind,”  are able to stand between death and life for the people; to bring them salvation!   Jesus was the righteous one who stood for us; as  Kingdom Citizens, we are now to “stand” between death and life for one another.   In Our Daily Nugget, Moses and Aaron were busy trying to get God to change His mind concerning destroying the people.  God h

The devil "did not" make you do it!

You are tempted by the “evil things” you want.     Your own desire leads you away and traps you.     Your desire grows inside you until it results in sin.     Then the sin grows bigger and bigger and finally ends in death.     The devil "did not" make you do it!   Desire! You can’t blame the devil. Your evil desires made you do it!   Have you ever heard someone say or made this statement yourself; “the devil made me do it”?  The devil does not “make” people do anything.  What do you really want?  Look there first. The “blame game” started shortly after creation and has been going strong ever since.   Our Daily Nugget is giving it to us straight; our “evil desires” are the culprits.  Our desires are the “fruit” of the “things we think on”.  Our “mental environment”, the things we think on will lead to “life” or “death”.  This is up to us.   Thinking on things that are right will lead to “life”; thinking on things that are wrong will lead to death.  The things we think on creat

Treacherous Religious Leaders!

Many of the Jews heard that Jesus was in Bethany, so they went there to see him.     They also went there to see him.     They also went there to see Lazarus, the one Jesus raised from death.     So the “leading priests” made plans to kill Lazarus too. Because of him, many Jews were leaving them and believing in Jesus.     That is why they wanted to kill Lazarus too.     (John 12:9-11)     “Treacherous” Religious Leaders!   The Bible say, it is not good when the leaders lie! There is nothing new under the sun, including Treacherous Religious Leaders.   Treacherous – Guilty of or involving “deception”!   In our Daily Nugget we see the religious leaders, “the leading priests”, making “wicked plans” to “kill” Jesus and Lazarus because the people were leaving them (the darkness) for Jesus (the Light).  The religious leaders placed their “faith” and “trust” in the government (the world) to get what they wanted, and they used the demon of “deception” to fulfill their “wicked plans”.   Whenev


Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that “keepth” the law, happy is he.  (Proverbs 29:18) Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who needs wisdom’s instruction. (NIV) Where there is no prophetic vision, the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.  (ESV)    Vision!   Without “vision”  we do not know where we are going; and will have no idea when we get there!   Vision-The faculty or state of being able to “see”.            The ability to think about or plain the future with imagination or wisdom. Perish-Suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way.            Suffer complete ruin or destruction.   Our Life “follows” our Focus! Our Death “follows” our Focus! As long as we are focused on the Light, we will be heading toward the Light!   Our Daily Nugget is letting us know two things: Firstly, that without one revealing God’s Word or bringing God’s Prophetic Vision to the people, that the peop

Why are the "Scared", Sacred?

  The wicked are afraid of everything, but those who “live right” are as brave as a lion. (Proverbs 28:1)   Why are the “Scared”, Scared?   Our Daily Nugget says, the “wicked” are afraid of everything! Being wicked is mental, spiritual activity, not physical activity!   God has gone to great lengths in the Bible to show us the destiny of the wicked, that we might take heed and chose not to be wicked.  We can be wicked and not know or think that we are wicked.   An exert from Learn Religions.   The word “wicked” or “wickedness” appears throughout the Bible, but what does it mean?  And why, many people ask, why does God allow wickedness?  The International Bible Encyclopedia gives this definition of wicked according to the Bible: The state of being wicked; a “mental” (spiritual) disregard for justice, righteousness, truth, honor, virtue; evil in thought and life; depravity, sinfulness; criminality.   Although the word wickedness appears 119 times in the 1611 King James Bible.  “It is a t