
Showing posts from April, 2023

One Heart, One Spirit, Per Person!

I will give you a “New Heart” and put a “New Spirit” in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36:26) I will also put a new spirit in you “to change your way of thinking”.  I will take out the heart of stone from your body and give you a tender, human heart.   (Ezekiel 36:26)   One Heart, One Spirit, Per Person!   We have an honest heart (mind) or a dishonest heart (mind). We can’t have the heart (mind) of a thief and the heart (mind) of an honest person. Light and darkness can’t occupy the same place at the same time. We cannot love the Word and love the World. Chose Ye This Day!   There is a saying, “you can’t have your cake and eat it to”!   Our Daily Nugget is Ezekiel delivering a message to the people from God.  The people of Israel had broken God’s heart big time, by living like people who do not know Him.  Sin, sexual immorality, lying and all sorts of deception guided the people’s living; God decided to act and sent the people in

When Death Flees!

They said to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us.     Hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne.     Hide us from the anger of the Lamb!     The great day for their anger has come.     No one can stand against it.”     (Revelation 6:16&17)   When Death Flees!   Death Flees From Us When Death Is Better To Us Than Life!   God is long-suffering with us, but God is not forever suffering with us. We all must stand before God to give an account. Time will come to an end.   In our Daily Nugget time has come to an end.  God is now passing judgement on the people.  The judgement, the punishment due to the sin and disobedience of the people, is now taking place.  The people were seeking death because death was better than life. They hid in the mountains and among the rocks; they literally wanted the mountains and the rocks to fall on them and kill them; at least this way through death they would escape the wrath of God.   The people had allowed themselves to be  “consumed


He that deviseth to do “evil” shall be called a “mischievous person”. (Pro. 24:8) In whose hands is mischief, and their right hand is full of bribes. (Pro. 24:8) Their hands are dirty with evil schemes, and they constantly take bribes.   (Pro. 24:8)   “Mischievous”!   To be mischievous is to be “evil”. Mischief – Hurt; harm; injury; damage; evil, whether intended or not. Anything that contradicts the Holy Nature of God is evil. Mischief and evil are used interchangeably.   To be mischievous is not some little innocent acts. Like the little white lie. To be mischievous is to be led by demonic spirits that is leading you to be  “wicked and evil” toward another or others. This demonic spirit love to take control of our “Thinking Process” when we are mad or angry or feel hurt.   Wicked – Devising to do evil.   Our Daily Nugget is letting us know that when we “think” of ways to make a person feel hurt, harm, discomfort, for any reason, in God’s eyes we are wicked.  How we feel about it does

The Gift of "Help"!

And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then the gifts of healing, gifts of help, governments, diversities of tongues.     (1 Corinthians 12:28)     The Gift of “Help”!   The Gift of Help is an “individual call”; for the “Benefit of The Body”!   To receive “help” in time of great need,  is like a man dying from thirst receiving water.  It produces a grateful, a joyful and a thankful spirit. That which we give, will be given back to us multiplied.     The Gifts God gives us is for the benefit of ourselves and others; this is how God plan for us to take care of one another.  This is how the Body keeps its individual members from suffering.  God gives the different gifts to the different members of the Body for the benefit of the body.   The Holy Spirit knows who has received which gifts and the Holy Spirit knows who needs which gifts.  As we Kingdom Citizens hear and obey the Holy Spirit, he will direct us to the m


For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with “virtue”, and “virtue” with knowledge.     (2 Peter 1:5)   Virtue!   Virtue – Conformity to a standard of right: “morality”: “ a particular moral excellence”: a beneficial quality or power of a thing.   Virtue is viewed as the habitual capacity of a person to respond freely and consciously to situations in a manner that reflects and intensifies his conformity to Jesus The Christ.   Morality – Ethical laws and principles imposed by God upon humanity, violation of which warrants divine retribution.   “God Has Given Us Everything We Need” to “Live Our Purpose”! Nevertheless, God says that “we” should “add” to what he has given to us! Us “adding” to what we have been given is called “growth”. Continued growth is essential to “right living”. Anything that does not grow, “dies”!   Salvation is a gift.  However, once we receive the gift of salvation, then “our work” starts.   Our Daily Nugget Starts out with the words, “for

The "Sure" Cure!

And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and “nothing” shall be impossible unto you.     Howbeith this kind goeth not out but by “Prayer and Fasting”.     (Matthew17:20&21)     The “Sure” Cure!   The Spirit World Controls The Physical World!   In our Daily Nugget Jesus is answering a question that the disciples had asked him.  A father brought his demonic possessed son to the disciples for them to drive the demon out of his son.  The disciples tried to drive the demon out but was unable to do it.  The demon did not obey their command to come out of the boy.  They had driven out demons before, using the same technique; but it did not work, this time.   In our society today, we do not use the term “demon possessed”, we use the term “mental illness”.  What we call mental illness is the same thing the people in our Daily

Get Your "Great Blessings"!

Great blessings belong to those who “don’t listen” to evil advice, who “don’t live” like sinners, and who “don’t join” those who make fun of God.     Instead, they “love” the Lord’s teachings and “think” about them day and night.     (Psalms 1:1&2)     Get Your “Great Blessings”!   Great Blessings Follow “Wise” Actions! Forfeited Blessings and Curses Follow “Foolish” Actions!   Our Daily Nugget is telling us what we must do to get Great Blessing and what we must not do to keep our Great Blessings from being forfeited.  Sin and foolishness will cause us to miss out on the Great Blessings God has for us.   God has Great Blessings for wise actions and Great Curses for foolish actions!   Our “Thinking” determines the “path” we chose. Great Blessings or Great Curses!   Great blessings and/or great curses is the “fruit” of our Thinking Process.  The things we think about lays the “foundation” for our living, and if we will receive great blessings or great curses.   The Characteristics of