
Showing posts from November, 2022


  There is “No Peace”, saith The Lord unto the “wicked”.     (Isaiah 48:22)     Peace   We Need Peace! Peace is too often taken for granted, until there is “No Peace”.   Our Daily Nugget is Isaiah’s pronouncement that “God Rules His World” and was calling Israel to task for not walking in “obedience” to His Commands. Israel was not “honest” nor “sincere” in their honor and worship of God. They honored God with their “mouths” but their “minds” (heart) where far from Him.    The people were “Stubborn Hippocrates”. God’s effort is to make the people, us, “pure” by punishing them, us! If we are not walking in obedience, we are walking in disobedience. Walking in disobedience can qualify one, by God, as “wicked”.   Peace – Is “knowing” that the Lord of the universe is by our side and resting in that.  It is not just knowing, but it is also “living it out”. Peace is sitting in comfort and knowing that God is next to us. “There is no  peace  for the wicked”.   Wicked – Departure from the rule

Love - The "Royal Law" of the Kingdom!

  If ye fulfill the “royal law” according to the scripture, Thou shall “Love” Thy Neighbor As Thyself, ye do well.     (James 2:8)     Love  The “Royal Law” of The Kingdom!   In God’s Kingdom In Heaven and Here On Earth, There Is Only One Law, “The Law To Love”!   The very moment we accept Jesus, The Christ, as our Lord and Savior we become Citizens in The Kingdom of God even though we are still on earth.  Each Kingdom Citizen has access to “all” the resources of the Kingdom in Heaven, for us to serve God here as His Ambassadors and Soldiers.   A Sin Filled Lifestyle Will “Forfeit” Our Ability To Serve God. Sin is still a “very big deal” with God.  Sin and Love cannot walk together.   Our Daily Nugget is telling us that if we fulfill  The Royal Law that “Ye Do Well”.   When we “do well” in God’s sight, Good Things happens to us.  When we “do bad” in God’s sight, Bad Things happens to us.  This is how God punishes and reward “Obedience” and “Disobedience”; including obedience or disobed

The Home.

  Proverbs 14:1 Homes are made by the “wisdom” of women, and homes are destroyed by the “foolishness” of “women”.   “The Home”   God Designed “The Home”! The “incubator or nursery” of Kingdom Citizens.   The Bible is God’s Instruction Manual for Kingdom Citizens. It is not designed to make us “feel” good, but it is designed to make us “be” good;  in God’s Sight!   Our Daily Nugget is written by Solomon, the wisest man to have ever lived.  God is telling us through him that, “The Home” is made by the “wisdom” of the woman; and that “The Home” is destroyed by the “foolishness” of the woman.    Wisdom – The “right” use of “knowledge”.  “Right” according to The Bible.                 The same venom from a snake that can kill a man, “rightly” used can save  his life.  This wisdom is not limited to the United States of today; but for The Whole World, throughout time.  Foolishness – The “wrong” use of knowledge.  The result of a person “misusing”  the intelligence God has given them.  A fool

Are We There Yet!

  And God saw that the “wickedness” of man was “great” in the earth, and that   every  “imagination” of the “thoughts” of his “heart (mind)” was “only evil” “continually”. (Genesis 6:5) The Lord saw that the people on earth were “very evil”.  He saw that they “thought” “only” about evil things “all the time”.  (Genesis 6:5)   Are We There Yet!   Our Daily Nugget  is describing a terrible period in time, when mankind was extremely wicked and evil.  Their “thoughts” were “evil”, “continuously”, “always”.  God said that the things written in The Bible is to serve as a “warning” to us.     Let our life be guided by: The Word and not The World.   Our Life Will Follow Our Focus!   To God, this was an extremely rough period for His Spirit to behold. The “Prize” of God’s Creation; in “Total Rebellion” to Him. The Bible say, rebellion is as “witchcraft”. He did “Everything” right for them (us) and “Nothing Wrong”! Yet, They (we) committed “Adultery”; Yes, For They (we) Belonged to God & Gav

My Rights!

For you were called to freedom, brothers.     Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through “love” serve one another.     For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall “love” your neighbor as yourself”.  ( Galatians 5:13-14)   My Rights!   “Kingdom Citizens” Only Have “One Right”. The Right “To Love”!   Part of “The Deal”, of accepting God’s offer of Salvation is that we sold “ourselves” to Jesus, to be saved from spending eternity in hell; with all the pain and punishment that comes with being in hell.  “Ourself” include all of our mind (heart) and body, and  “Our Rights”.    Therefore, I no longer own myself.  The one who owns me now have given me “One Right”; that is “To Love! This love expresses itself through me serving my neighbor.   Normally when people use the term “My Rights”, they are talking about something that “they want to do for them”, and they normally say it at a time when they are being opposed.  Since it is “my right” you do not h


  I have learned to be satisfied with what I have. I know what it is to be in need and what it is to have more than enough.     I have learned this secret, so that anywhere, at any time, “I am Content”, whether I am full or hungry, whether I have too much or too little.     I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me.       (Philippians 4:11-13)     Contented!   A Contented Spirit can “Count It All Joy”!   For The Kingdom Citizen, “Joy”  is determined by what’s on the inside, not what’s on the outside!   Paul knew the full range of human experience, from having nothing to having much, from being hungry to being full, these are things that “The World” tells us that we “need” in order to be content.   A Contented Spirit will “Trust God”, The Word’s Way of Handling Things. A Discontented Spirit will “Trust Self”, The World’s of Handling Things.   Our Daily Nugget is telling the Philippians and Us, that the condition of life that we are in, should have noth

The Harvesters Have Arrived!

And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming “The Gospel of The Kingdom” and “healing every disease and affliction”.     When He saw the crowds, he had “compassion” for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.     Then He said to His Disciples, the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray “earnestly” to the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”            (Matthew 9:35-38)    The Harvesters Have Arrived!   It is an extremely sad sight to see unharvested fields of fruits and vegetables just roughening away on the ground because there are no harvesters to pick the fruits and vegetables and take them to “The Market”, or to give to the needy.    In our Daily Nugget, Jesus was going throughout the area “harvesting” the “crop”.  We are to harvest the same way He did, by “Proclaiming” “The Gospel of The Kingdom” and “Healing the People”. Jesus is now back in

To Abide!

If you “abide” in me, and my “Words” “abide” in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. (John 15:7)   To Abide!     To abide is a verb.  It is active.  Abiding in Christ is not a feeling or a belief; but something we do.  It means to remain or stay.    We  will  abide in “The Light” or we  will  abide in “The Dark”! These are the only two places available for us to abide in. We will abide where we “focus” on “The Most”!   Our Daily Nugget is telling us that; If we “Keep” our “Thinking” on Jesus,  and “The Bible’s Instructions” are “Kept” in the forefront of our “Minds”; “We Can Ask For Whatever We Want And It Will Be Done For Us”! How Would You Like That? If you are willing to “die to self”, daily, Jesus will give you this ability.   We Really Are “Somebody” in “Christ”! But it is all conditional on the fact that we accept the “conditions” in The Bible!   The Conditions! The Vine (Us) Must Abide,  Stay  “Attached” To The Branch (Jesus) For “Life”. The Vine Is Supposed