
Showing posts from January, 2023

Time With God!

  And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a “solitary place” and there prayed.     (Mark 1:35)   Time With God!   I Love You, Therefore I “Make Time” For You! I Love You, But; I Don’t Have “Time” To Be With You!    It will be extremely difficult, at best,  to make someone believe you Love them when you do not take  “Time To Be With Them”!   Giving God “The First” of anything takes “Time, Effort and Focus”. Giving the “First” of anything to God is giving “The Whole” of That Thing To God!   God gives each of us twenty-four hours each day, It is very selfish to not give “any” of those twenty-four hours back to Him. Give and it shall be given back to you,  pressed down, shaken together, running over; this includes “Time” also.   Our Daily Nugget is Jesus, rising early in the morning to “Spend Time With God” in prayer! Here we see Jesus giving the “First Part” of his Day to God. Now everything that Jesus is involved with that day, God is involv

Sin Destroys Human Society!

  Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin  is  a reproach to any people.”   (Proverbs 14:34) Their feet rush into sin, they are swift to shed innocent blood.     They pursue evil schemes; acts of violence mark their ways.     The way of peace they do not know; there is no justice in their paths.     They have turned them into crooked roads; no one walks along them will know peace. (Isaiah 59:7&8)   Sin Destroys Human Society!   Sin is “doing differently than what God says in The Bible”. The demon of “selfishness” is a main culprit that leads us to sin against God. We sin against God when we refuse to Love Our Neighbor As We Love Ourself”!   Sin has destroyed every Human Society since the first one; therefore, “What Sort Of People Should We Be? We should be “Light” for A “Dark World”!   We Should be like the people who “Stood For God” in the midst of these sin sick societies.  People like Noah and Jacob and Joseph and David and Daniel, Shadrach and Meshach and Abednego and John the

Immanuel - God With Us!

The virgin will be pregnant and will give birth to a son.     They will name him Immanuel. (Immanuel means “God With Us”) (Matthew 1:23)   Immanuel!   God With Us!   I Can Do “All” Things Through Immanuel, Who Strengthens Me.   Our Daily Nugget is God, using Matthew to give us the “Family History of Jesus the Messiah”.  By giving us the Family History, God is showing how Jesus is “The Link”, tying, binding the Old Testament to the New Testament.  The family of Jesus is traced back to Abraham.  Everything in the Old Testament points to “The Cross”; in the New Testament.   Joseph and Mary were engaged to be married; Joseph believed Mary was a virgin, Mary knew she was a virgin; but she was with child.  Joseph was not buying the story of “something coming over her and got her pregnant”, and was preparing to call off the wedding because he believed her to be unfaithful. An Angel from the Lord came to Joseph in a dream and confirmed to him, that what Mary said was true.   Our Daily Nugget i


Live in harmony with each other.     Do not be arrogant, but associate with humble people.     Do not think that you are wiser than you are. (Romans 12:16)   Harmony!   “Live In Harmony”!   To Live in Harmony means to be  “Same Thinking” or be “Of One Mind”! The Bible “must” be the Standard for Harmony to Exist.   To Live in Harmony With Each Other Requires that Everyone Strives To Sincerely Obey The Command To; Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself! Jesus said; As I Have Loved You, So You Must Love One Another!   Our Daily Nugget is God telling us through Paul that we are to “live in harmony with each other”; and “not to be arrogant”; but to “associate with humble people”. And “do not think you are wiser than you are”.  In this verse we have these “three legs” that “Harmony” stands on.   1.      Not to be arrogant – Is when a person has an inflated opinion of his abilities or possessions.  Not quite the same as pride, similar. 2.      Associate with humble people – Birds of a Feathe

Fishers Of Men!

From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand”.     And he saith unto them, “Follow Me”, and “I Will” make you “Fishers of Men”.     (Matthew 4:17&19).   Fishers Of Men!   Our Daily Nugget picks up right after Jesus had fasted forty days and was tempted by the devil.  Jesus used “The Word”, scriptures only, to counter each one of Satan’s temptations.  This is how Jesus resisted the Devil, with The Bible.   Jesus said that if we Resist the Devil, that he would “flee” from us.   Our Daily Nugget is stating that; from that time Jesus began to preach and to say “Repent, For The Kingdom of Heaven is At Hand”! Jesus is announcing that He is bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth; And that the only way to enter the Kingdom is to Repent,  “To Change Our  Way  Of Thinking”. This will change the way we Live.   We must change our way of Thinking from The World’s Way to the Word’s Way!   We are commanded to “Follow Christ”; as we Follow Christ

Whose Commandment?

He answered an said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people “honoureth me with their lips”, but “their heart (mind) is far from me”.     Howbeit “in vain” do they worship, teaching doctrines “the commandments of men”.     For laying aside “the commandment of God”, ye hold the “tradition” of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.     And he said unto them, Full well “ye reject” “the commandment of God”, that “ye may keep your own tradition”.     (Mark 7:6-9)   Whose Commandment?   Our Daily Nugget  is bringing to our attention a problem as old as traditions and religions.   Imagine a ship on a “raging and windy” ocean; “without a rudder” to guide it.  The ship will go wherever the “winds and waves” of life (demonic spirits) sends it.  By utilizing the rudder, the ship is able to “navigate” through the winds and the waves, staying steady on its course and arrive safely to its destination.   Our “destina

Love is not "Rude"!

  Love is not “Rude”….     (1 Corinthians 13:5)     Love, is not "Rude”?   God is Love! Love has “Good Manners”!   The description of Love in Chapter 13 includes a list of what “Love is Not”.   Rude – Acting “unbecomingly” and “inappropriately”.   Rudeness is rooted in “selfishness”. I heard a man say, our society is in a “renaissance of rudeness”.   Being rude is evidence that I am not obeying the command to “Love My Neighbor As I Love Myself”!  Christians are supposed to be Like Christ, seeking to help not to hurt, harm, cause discomfort, cause pain.  To make people hurt like this is the fruit of wicked thinking and doing these things to people are evil.   This paragraph is a Writing on Our Daily Nugget from “Got”.   Rudeness is finding more and more acceptance in today’s culture.  Public behavior and words that were unthinkable a generation ago are now commonplace.  Manners are meant to reduce friction of human interaction; discourtesy reveals a lack of considerat