
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Trap of "My Desires"!

You are tempted by the “evil things” you want.     Your own desires lead you away and trap you. (James 1:14)     The Trap of “My Desires”!   Our Daily Nugget is James explaining to the people and to us that we are  “tempted” by the evil things we want.  Wanting “evil things” create “evil desires”. Wanting “righteous things” create “right desires”!   Anyone who wants “evil things” raise your hand!   Always keep in mind that Satan is the master of deception; therefore, he will appear as something nice and pleasant and beneficial, some thing that you want but it will not appear, at first, as an evil thing.    What are “evil things”? An evil thing or evil things may be the thoughts of evil men, their plans or their deeds, or the things men suffer for their own wrongs, or the evil consequent upon the errors of others.   Some Evil Things! Do we seek to cause anyone hurt, harm, discomfort, pain, agony, etc.? Do we do things to people that we would not want them to do to us? Do we use the frow

Maturity through "Perseverance"!

Let “perseverance” finish its work so that you may be “mature” and “complete”, not lacking anything.     (James 1:4)     Maturity through “Perseverance”!   Quitters Never Win, and Winners Never Quit!   Perseverance means “being persistent despite the difficulties or delays we face".   It is very important to “mature”! We do not issue driver licenses to seven-year-old children because they are not “mature” enough to handle the “responsibility” that comes with operating a motor vehicle.  If they attempted to drive at age seven, they would put a lot of other people lives at risk.  When the child reaches age sixteen or seventeen and “persevere” through the pre-licensing process, then, the child can go apply for a driver’s license.   The Bible tells us that we are to “test” new believers before giving them work.   When “Believers”  “refuse” to allow themselves to go through the “process” of maturing through obedience to the Word, they will remain infantile (childlike).  A term that is

A Lion's Heart (Mind)!

The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the “righteous” are as bold as a lion. (Proverbs 28:1)   A Lion’s Heart (Mind)!   Jesus had a heart (mind) of Love. The “Heart (mind), the “Command Center of The Soul! The “War Room”!   Victory and Defeat starts in “The Mind (Heart)”! Doing right and doing wrong starts in the Mind (Heart)   To “Obtain” and to “Maintain” a Lion’s Heart, we must “Walk in The Light”! To walk in the light, requires that we die to self.   The wicked flee when no one is pursuing them.  Why?  When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, they “fled” from God.  God was not chasing them, but they had done wrong and they “knew it”.  The wrong always wants to “flee” from the right.   A wicked man cannot possess a “Lion’s Heart (Mind)”! Righteousness and Honesty leads to the development of “A Lion’s Heart” (Mind)!   Correct “Thinking” is The Key to A Lion’s Heart (Mind)!   Whatever, we fill our hearts, (minds) with, that is what we will be! The Bible instructs us to let the Hear

God "Enjoys Giving"!

Do any of you need wisdom?     Ask God for it.     He is “generous” and “enjoys giving” to everyone.     So, he will give you wisdom.     (James 1:5)     God “Enjoys Giving”!   God is Generous! We “do not bug God” when we ask Him for something.   The Bible say, “Wisdom” is the “Principal or Most Important Thing”; therefore, get Wisdom! When wisdom is absent, foolishness fills the void.   Wisdom! A capacity of the mind that allows us to understand life from God’s Perspective. The “capacity” to make “due use” of knowledge (information). Wisdom is the opposite of “foolish”. We all chose to be “wise” or we chose to be “foolish”. It is our “actions” that shows which we chose!   We need wisdom to “show us the way”! It is foolishness to “assume” we already know the way.   It is also wisdom to develop a “habit”, develop it to the point that asking becomes an “automatic” response like walking and talking, of asking God for  “everything”, “anything”.   Even though God has a whole world to run, 

This Day!

  Give us “This Day” our daily bread.     (Matthew 6:11)     This Day!   Our Daily Nugget is not asking God to give us bread for a week or for a month. Our Daily Nugget is talking about “Spiritual Bread”, not “Physical Bread”.   Man does not Live by Bread alone, but by Every Word Spoking by God.   At the point of our Daily Nugget, Jesus had just finished given the people instructions on “How To Live as Kingdom Citizens”.   Read Chapter five and six to get the fullness of Jesus’ message, which is all about “Trusting God For Our Needs”, “One Day at a Time”.   We will trust the Word or the World for our daily bread! The “Word” say, “do not” store up for yourself treasures on earth! The “World” says, “do” store up for yourself treasures on earth!   If we don’t trust God for our needs, we will trust “Self” and our actions, to fill our needs, will show that we are trusting self instead of trusting God.  God wants us to trust “Him” not “The Things” He gives us.   It is wisdom to save;  to “sa


Therefore, my beloved brothers be “steadfast” “immovable” “always abounding”   in the “work of the Lord” knowing that in the Lord your “labor” is not in vain.   (1 Corinthians 15:58)   Steadfast!   The Therefore,  in our Daily Nugget is concerning all of Chapter 58.  The people had started believing “differently” than what Paul had taught them about the “Resurrection of Christ”.  This is a foundational belief for “Salvation”; an extremely important issue.   There is Salvation from the “Penalty and the Power” of sin!  Salvation from the “penalty” of sin allows us to enter heaven when we die. Salvation from the “power” of sin allows us to live in victory up until we die!   “Steadfast and Immovable” in our “belief” and “faith” is the Mentality that is required of Kingdom Citizens! God “cannot” use us if we are not “steadfast” and “immovable”.   Steadfast – To be firmly fixed and not subject to change, to be firm in belief and determination, and to be “loyal” and “faithful”.  Likewise, to

The Great "Rat's Race"!

But if you act like wild animals, hurting and harming each other, then watch out, or you will completely destroy one another.     (Galatians 5:15)     The Great “Rat’s Race”!   In a “Rat’s Race”, even the winner is “A Rat”!   Our Daily Nugget  is letting us know that if we are not careful concerning our “desire” to accumulate things, that we could become so focused on accumulating things that we end up hurting and harming one another in our efforts to get things; even to the point of destroying one another.   Our “desire” to accumulate must never be greater than our “desire” to Love!   To “Love Our Neighbor As We Love Ourselves” will keep us “free” from The Great Rat’s Race. To Love The World and the Things in It, will keep us “trapped” in The Great Rat’s Race.   I was having a conversation with a gentleman about life in our  “capitalistic financial system”; He shared with me an experience he had when he was visiting a Caribbean country.  The people there were very poor, many living in