
Showing posts from May, 2023

Blessings or Cruses - Which are Chasing You?

Curses chase sinners, while blessings chase the righteous.     (Proverbs 13:21)   Blessings or Cruses – Which are Chasing You?   We decide if we will be “chased” by Blessings or Cruses. We all “want to be blessed, and no one “wants to be accursed”. The fact is we all will be blessed or cursed, based on our “actions or inactions”.”    Our Daily Nugget makes it about as plain as it can be made. Blessings will chase you down in life if you have a “committed” heart (mind) toward righteousness, obedience to God’s Word, The Bible. Curses will chase you down in life if you have a “committed” heart (mind) toward unrighteousness, disobedience to God’s Word, The Bible.   Curse -  To injure; to subject to evil; to vex , harass or torment with great calamities.   Sinner – A person who refuses to accept God’s salvation and refuses to repent. Chase -  Pursue to catch or catch up with.  Drive or cause to go in a specified direction. Righteous – The quality of being right in the eyes of God, according

How To Answer A Fool?

There is no good way to answer fools when they say something stupid.     If you answer them, then you too, will look like a fool.     If you don’t answer them, they will think they are smart.     (Proverbs 26:4&5)   How To Answer A Fool?   Fool - A silly or stupid person; a person who lacks judgment or sense .   Our Daily Nugget let’s us know that there is no “good way” to answer a fool!   There is no shortage of fools in our society; we must interact with them.  According to our definition of a fool this includes a whole lot of people.  Some people are foolish, and some people who are not foolish, sometimes, do foolish things.  Fools have chosen to be “foolish” even though they think they are smart.   Since there is no  “good way”  to answer a fool, “what do you do when a fool says something stupid”?   Pray to God for “Wisdom” to deal “Wisely” with the fool. If wisdom is not guiding our actions and reactions to a fool, we could easily end up in a much worst situation then they are

Will God Listen When We Call?

So, the Lord All-Powerful said, “I called to them, and they did not answer (listen).     So now, if they call to me, I will not answer” (listen).     (Zechariah 7:13)   Will God Listen When We Call?   God will not listen to us, when we do not listen to Him.   God does not answer all prayers. Obedience is a prerequisite for answered prayer. Obedience to the Bible, not obedience to religion and tradition. Obedience to religion and tradition and disobedience to the Bible, will result in “Unanswered Prayers”.   The prayers of the righteous (right livers) avail much.  The righteous are those who listen when God calls; otherwise, they obey.  By contrast, the prayers of the unrighteous does not avail much; those who chose to “not listen” when God calls.   God does not answer our prayers when we chose to live a life of sin. Jesus’ death did not give us a “green light” to sin; for the wage of sin is still death.   Some say, since Jesus died for all our sins, we can sin as much as we like and st

Fair and Just!

A nation will be strong when it has a fair and just king. A nation will be weak when it has a king who is selfish and demands gifts. (Proverbs 29:4)   Fair and Just!   Our Daily Nugget is telling us that the “destiny” of a nation will be strong when the king is fair and just.  A nation will be weak when its king is selfish and demands gifts.  We can substitute the word nation with the words, family, a Church, any group, a person.   Fair – Marked by impartiality and honesty: free from self-interest, prejudice, or            favoritism.   Just – Acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good: righteous,           according to the Bible.   The United States does not have a King, we have a democracy.  Our nation is “designed” to operate in “disobedience” to this scripture. In the United States politicians must go to rich people and solicit “bribe money” before they can even run for office.  We call this “campaign finance”.  When these politicians get in office they are


The tongue can speak “words” that bring life or death.  Those who love to talk must be ready to accept what it brings.   ( Proverbs 18:21 )   “Words”!     The Bible say, be slow to speak; extremely wise advice.   The Mouth Speaks What The Heart, Mind is “Full Of”! A woman said to a man, you don’t know what’s in my heart; the man said, I really do know what’s in your heart.  The woman asked, how do you know what’s in my heart?  The man answered, “you just told me”.   A Wise Prayer! Let the “Words” of my mouth, and the “Meditation” of my ‘heart’ be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.(Psalms 19:14)   The words of our mouth are created by the meditations of our heart (mind).   The Meditation of My Heart (Mind)! This is where the words we speak are formed. The things we “think” on are the things in our heart (mind). The things that are in our heart, mind leads to the “words” we speak.   When “anger” is in our heart (mind), our Words will reflect that. When “joy” i

The First!

If the first piece of bread is offered to God, then the whole loaf is made holy. If the roots of a tree are holy, the tree’s branches are holy too.     (Romans 11:16) Thou shall have no other God “before me”.  (Exodus 20:3)   The First!   If The God of Heaven and Earth  is not “First in Our Life, Mind”, Then We Have Another “god”!   God demands and deserves First Place in our lives; if we do not place him in “first place”, He will have “no place” in our lives.  Order is critical to Salvation.  We cannot have it “our way”, it is either God’s Way or the Highway.   Whenever God is not first, Satan is!   Many of the issues and problems arise and continue in our lives because we refuse to place God First in our “decision making”, concerning the choices we must make in life.  When God is not first, Satan is.  Satan will never lead us in the right way.   Solomon instructs us to,  “commit our works unto the Lord and our thoughts shall be established”.   Stated another way; “trust” your actions

Receiving - "The Fruit of Giving"!

“Give” to others, and you “will receive”.     You will be given much.     It will be poured into your hands-more than you can hold.     You will be given so much that it will spill into your lap.     “The way” you give to others is “the way” God will give to you.    (Luke 6:38)   Receiving - “The Fruit of Giving”!     In The Kingdom,  through giving away of that which we have, we add more to that which we have. In The World, through giving away of that which we have, we take away from that which we have.    Kingdom Citizens Utilizes “New Math”! This New Math works rather we are giving “right” or “wrong”. The fruit from the right things we do will be beneficial and good for us. The fruit from the wrong things we do will not be beneficial, but, bad for us. Even when we get what we want.   The Bible is the Instruction Manual for Kingdom Citizens. Religion and tradition, man-made rules are the Instruction Manuals for the World.   To Give is a “guarantee” that we will Receive!   To “see”  w