
Showing posts from November, 2023


                                                                          Ponder!   It takes “Time” to “Ponder”! – The Lost Art of Our Generation!   They shall declare the work of God and shall “wisely ponder” what he has done.   (Psalms 64:9)   Pondering – Giving the Lord your “Full Attention”. God is greatly pleased when we pull away from the world to Ponder Him. Take “Time “ to “Consider” what “Jesus have done and would have You to Do”!   Great Thinkers, “Ponder Often”! Give the Holy Spirit “Time” to “Show You The Way”! Ponder – The Lost Art of Our Generation; It’s Such A Waste! We are in a hurry, hurry, give it to me quick, generation; “it’s foolishness”!   Pondering the things of God, and prayer, combined with fasting brings about revelation and understanding.  Our heart/mind is “focused” on the Light.  God knows what we have need of even before we ask.  Pondering on the things of God, “cleans out the clutter in our heart/mind” and allows us to “see clearly”.   The more we “Think/

Opened Eyes "Can See"!

                                                       Opened Eyes “Can See”!   The Spirit World Can Only Be Seen Through Opened Eyes!   Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So, she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.  (Genesis 21:19)   Everything We Need is “Always Right There”! Kingdom Citizens has “Access” to all the Resources of the Kingdom! God is all about “Filling the Needs of People”, “Loving Them”, let us be like Him.   Look at the four scriptures that leads to our Daily Nugget! When the water in the skin was gone, she put the boy under one of the bushes.  Then she went off and sat down nearby, about a bowshot away, for she thought, “I cannot watch the boy die.”  And as she sat there nearby, she began to sob.  “God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What is the matter, Hagar?  Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there.  “Lift the boy up” and take him by the ha

You Can Go First!

                                                               You Can Go First!   A Selfish Spirit Will Never Say, “You Can Go First”.   So, Abram said to Lot, “Let’s not have any quarreling between you and me, or between your herders and mine”, “for we are close relatives”.  Is not the whole land before you?  Let’s part company.  “If you go to the left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left”.  (Genesis 13:8&9)   A Selfish Spirit will never allow you to  “Love Your Neighbor as you Love Yourself”; “You Can’t Fool God”! A selfless spirit always seeks “peace”; the selfish spirit always seeks “division”.   Abraham put Lot first.  Lot put Lot first. Abraham had a “Selfless Spirit” controlling his “Thinking Process”.  Lot had a “Selfish Spirit” controlling his Thinking Process”. A selfish spirit will always look around to see where the best is and will try to get the best for them, with “no concern” or “Love” for their neighbor.  “By Any Means Necessary”.   I

Two Faces of Laughter!

                                                            Two Faces of Laughter!   Laughter is Divine, or Laughter is Demonic!   As yet there was no evidence of rain and flood.  His people mocked (laughed) at him and called him a fool.  (Genesis 6:19) We were filled with “laughter”, and we sang for joy.  And the other nations said, “What amazing things the Lord has done for them”.  (Psalms 126:2)   Why Did They Laugh At “Noah”?   Why Did They Laugh and Sing?   Our Daily Nugget are about “Two Different Groups” of people “Laughing”.  One group’s laughter is demonically inspired, and one group’s laughter is divinely inspired.     Divinely inspired laughter is laughter of “Joy” due to God’s Blessings upon them, and they were so happy about that until it created laughter from “Joy”.  This is “sincere laughter”, the kind Kingdom Citizens should “do”.   Demonically inspired laughter is laughter of “Mocking”, making a joke of the person.  Demonically inspired laughter is just “Frowns Turned

Three "Must" or "Tears"!

                                                              Three “Must” or “Tears”! “Study” and “Hear” and “Obey” or “Tears”!    Then the Spirit said unto Phillip, go near and join thyself to this chariot.  And Phillip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, understandeth thou what thou readest?  (Acts 8:29&30)   The eunuch studied the Word, then the eunuch heard the Word, “Now” the eunuch can pass the “Test” through “Obeying the Word”.  We can study the Word, we can then Hear the Word, “But” if we do not “Obey the Word” we will not receive the “Life that The Word Offers”.  We will flunk the test that life gives, by sinning.   If we do not Study the Word, Hear the Word, and Obey the Word, Tears Will Flow.  Any one of these three areas that are absent from our living will “open us up” to attacks by the demonic spirits.  These attacks will lead us to create problems to ourselves and to our household.  These attacks are God’s way of using the “Rod of Co

The "Deception" of "Pleasure"!

                                                    The “Deception” of “Pleasure”!   To “Live” for Pleasure is like “Chasing the Wind”!   Now she that is a widow indeed, and desolate, trusteth in God, and continueth in supplications and prayers day and night. But the widow who lives only for pleasure is “spiritually dead even while she lives”.  (1 Timothy 5:5&6)   Man was created to “Please God”, not to “Please Self”, through “Pleasure”!   Pleasure – A “feeling” of happy satisfaction and enjoyment.  Satisfying self.   God’s Commands is that we live a life “Pleasing to Him”, not living a life pleasing to self.  Our traditions and religions stress and teaches us to “seek pleasure” through accumulating things or acquiring a lot of money and spending it the ways we want on “pleasure”.   The “Object” of our pleasure makes our pleasure “demonic or divine”.  Our “desire” for pleasure will be the “foundation” of everything we do and don’t do.    Our Daily Nugget  is about a widow woman who

The Art of Happiness!

                                                          The Art of Happiness!   Both Happiness and Unhappiness are determined by our “Thinking Process”!   Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous (right liviers); sing all you “who are upright in heart (mind)".  (Psalms 32:11)   Happiness is found in the “Presence of the Lord”! There is an “Art” to Everything, including “Happiness”!   Happiness – A state of pleasure or joy experienced both by people and by God. Happiness – Is “Joy”, promised to us by God.     When the Bible mentions happiness, it is speaking of something that is self-contained.  The happiness the Bible advocates isn’t dependent on circumstances.  The words “bless” and “blessed” in both the Old and New Testament illustrate why this is true.   Happiness began with “Thinking Right”. In the Bible the words happiness and joy are used interchangeably.   One writer’s expression of happiness and joy.  Joy is an inner feeling.  Happiness is an outward expression.  J

The Truth and The Wicked!

                                                         The Truth & The Wicked!   Wicked People cannot stand the Truth nor the Truth Bearer.    But they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears and rushed together at him.  Then they cast him out of the city and stoned him.  And the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul.  (Acts 7:57&58).   Kingdom Citizens is to “Speak The Truth in Love”! It is very common that religious people don’t want to hear The Truth.   Truth – God’s Word, The Bible is “Truth”! Wicked – Thinking of things to do to a person to cause them hurt, harm, discomfort.   What do you do when the people you’re speaking the Truth to “insist on going wrong” and are now “mad” at you for telling them they are wrong and now they want to get physical because they “know” they lost spiritually?  We do like Stephen, we Speak the Truth in Love.   Our Daily Nugget is about a man named Stephen who was a godly man who lived Holy, and


                                                                           Generous!   You can’t beat God Giving; No Matter How You Try!    I have shewed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to “support the weak”, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, it is more blessed to “give than to receive”.  (Acts 20:35)   Generous – Showing a readiness to “give more of something”, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected.  Showing “kindness” toward others.   The Fruit of Humility! Jesus, perfect example of Generosity. Selfish people will never be known as generous. Whatever we do to or for another, we do to or for ourselves! When we give people things that they need, God gives us the things we need.   The scripture says, “give and it shall be given unto you, pressed down, shaken together, running over”.  God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are all about “giving”, being generous to people.  Kingdom Citizens is to be Christlike, “generous”; not hoarders, li

The "Soul".

                                                                     The “Soul”!   God created “Souls” to dwell with Him. The Soul Will Never Die.  The Soul Will Live Forever with God in Heaven or with Satan in Hell.   Receiving the “End of Your Faith”, even the “Salvation of Your Souls”.   (1 Peter 1:9)   Due to Adam’s Disobedience in the Garden of Eden, Man’s Soul was “Lost”, “Separated”, from God Forever.  God needed a “Pure Sacrifice”, someone who has “No Sin”.  Jesus the Christ was the “Only” Sacrifice “Worthy” to be the sacrifice.  All other men needed to be saved like Adam.   Soul – Our “humanity” that makes us feel “emotions”. Emotions -  The “Language of the Soul”; the “cries” that give the heart/mind a voice.                    Our emotions are greatly determined by our “Thinking Process”.  They                    express our values and evaluations and influence motives and conduct.   God gave “emotions” to us to energize our behavior and to be a catalyst for action. Exercisi

All You Need Is Love!

                                                           All You Need Is Love!   To “Have Love”, we must “Obey Love”   And this same God who “takes care of me” will supply “all your needs” from “his glorious riches”, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.  (Philippians 4:19)   What is Love?  How can we tell if we “Have Love or Not”?   Look at this Biblical Definition of “Love”. Love is “patient and kind”; Love does not envy or boast; Love is not arrogant or rude.  Love does not insist on its own way;  Love is not irritable or resentful; Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing; Love rejoices at the Truth.  (1 Corinthians 13:4-8a)   When we choose “Not to Love” it is because in out Heart/Mind we obeyed the demonic spirit that told us to “Not Love”.  When we chose “To Love”, it is because we obeyed the Holy Spirit who told us “To Love”.   In Our Daily Nugget, Paul had just finished thanking the people for the gifts they had given to him to help him on his ministry journey.  Paul told


                                                                             Morality! The “Heart/Mind” of a people! Morality “Leads to Life” – Immorality “Leads to Death”!    Let this “mind” “Be In You”, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being the “form” of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the “form” of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being fashioned as a man, “He humbled himself”, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.  Philippians 2:5-8)   There is a “Standard” of “Thinking”, therefore “Living”,  that is set for Kingdom Citizens. This Standard is given to us in The Bible.    Morality – Principles concerning the distinction between “right and wrong” or “good and bad” behavior.  Set by God, in the Bible. Principle – A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the “Foundation” for a system of “belief or behavior or a ‘chain’ of reasoning”.  Set by God, in the Bible.

Whose Report Shall You Believe?

                                                 Whose Report Shall You Believe?   We Live or Die based on whose report we believe. The Report of “Your Faith” or the Report of “Your Sight”?   But my servant Caleb, because he has a “different spirit” (heart/mind) and has followed (obeyed) me “fully”, “I Will” bring into the land into which he went, and his descendants “shall possess it”.  (Numbers 14:24)   The Spirit World is “Always Speaking” to us. Here again we see, the spirit world, controlling the physical world. The more we obey the Bible, the more we and our households are blessed. The more we disobey the Bible, the more we and our households are cursed.   Caleb and Joshua “thought differently” from the other ten spies; thinking is spiritual activity.  All twelve spies saw the same people; ten of the spies “thought” about what they “saw” and “choose”; they lived by “Sight”.  Caleb and Joshua “thought” about what God “said” and “choose”; they lived by “Faith”.   Stand with God; th

Too Late To Love!

                                                                  Too Late To Love! “This is The Day”, “Now is The Hour”, “To Love!   He answered, Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father’s house, for I have five brothers.  Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.  (Luke 16:27&28)   Jesus said, “do not love the world, nor anything in it”! Jesus also said, “When you have been strengthened, go and get your brother. We cannot go and get anyone after we die, rather we go to heaven or to hell.  Love Now.  Love is “Doing” for Others; it’s not a “Feeling”!   Our Daily Nugget is a conversation between a rich man, who died, but he did not love his neighbor while he was living; and Abraham, who is in heaven with Lazarus. Lazarus was a beggar at the rich man’s gate.  The rich man would not “give nor love”.   Two Important Points From Our Daily Nugget. 1.       What do you “Think” when beggars beg you for money? 2.      We must be about warning our