
Showing posts from January, 2024

Love or Rights!

                                                                      Love or Rights!   Beware of the Selfish Spirit, “Me, Me, Me”!   My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.  Greater love has no one than this; to lay down (be accommodating) one’s life for one’s friend.  (John 15:12)   Jesus “Cares” that “We Care” for One Another! The Selfish Spirit “will not allow” its Host to “Lay Down His Life”! The Lord “Provides” through Kingdom Citizens “Being Accommodating”!   An accommodating heart/mind will lead us to “Love the Lord” and to “Love our neighbor as we love ourselves”.  Kingdom Citizens has a “right” and indeed an “obligation” to the King and to our Neighbor “To Love”.    “To Love” my neighbor is “to do” for my neighbor. Scripture asks us, what good is there in saying to your neighbor to be “warmed and filled” and you don’t give them the things that will “warm them and fill them”?  There is no good in “saying” be warmed and filled, there is good in “doing” or “givi

Wait On "The Lord"!

                                                               Wait On “The Lord”!   To Wait on the Lord is to “Trust” In The Lord!   Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and “he shall” strengthen thine heart (mind): wait, I say, on the Lord.  (Psalms 27:14)   It is “impossible” for the Lord to let us down when we ”Wait on Him”!   Our Daily Nugget was written by King David, who at this point in his life was a “man on the run”. David was writing to himself and to us.  David was also referred to by God as a “man after His own heart”.  David committed adultery with a married woman who became pregnant and to cover it up, David had her husband murdered.     David’s action was wicked and evil, now “Payday” has come to David for his wickedness and evil; his son rebelled against him, overthrew his kingdom, and now was trying to hunt him down to kill him.     David is telling himself and us to “Wait on The Lord”. It takes “Courage”, “Understanding”, and “Humility” to “Wait on The Lord”.   Davi

Pay Attention to God's Words!

                                                      Pay Attention to God’s Words!   They Chose to Pay no Attention to God’s Words!   I will pursue them with the sword, famine, and pestilence, and will make them a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth, to be a curse, a terror, a hissing, and a reproach among all the nations where I have driven them, because they “did not pay attention” to “My Words”, declares the Lord, that I persistently sent to you by my servants the prophets, but “you would not listen”, declares the Lord.  (Jeremiah 29:18&19)   The “Arrogant & Pride-filled Spirit” says  “I Am My Own Lord”, “I Pay Attention to My Own Words”!   Our Daily Nugget is “The Destiny of The Disobedient”!  The Wage of Sin is Still Death! No matter how common sinning is among God’s people, the wage has not changed!   God gave us His Words for a reason; it is Great Foolishness to Pay No Attention to God’s Words.  When our father tells us to do something, he means for us to do that, s


                                                                       Ambassadors!   Everybody is an Ambassador of either God or Satan!   Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t “working with me” is actually working against me.  (Matthew 12:30) …And has committed to us the word of reconciliation.  Now then, we are Ambassadors for Christ….  (2 Corinthians 19 & 20)   Whose Ambassador Are You?  Look to your living! Ministering the Word of Reconciliation, The Ambassadors Job! We Kingdom Citizens, Christians, “Are” Ambassadors of I Am, God. Jesus said, If You Are Not Working “For Me” You’re Working Against Me!   Ambassador – An “accredited diplomat” “sent” by a Kingdom as its “Official Representative” to a foreign country, “To Deliver the Message of The King”!     The message of the King is given to the Ambassadors through The Word, The Bible, and through The Holy Spirit.   We must Study the Word, the Bible to “Know the Job Duties” for the Ambassador and “listen atten

I Have Been Watching!

                                                                I Have Been Watching!   Our God is not a false god; “He Sees All”!   Will you steal and murder, commit adultery and perjury, burn incense to Baal and follow other gods you have not known, and then come and stand before me in this house, which bears my Name, and say, “We are safe” – safe to do all these detestable things?  Has this house, which bears my Name, become a den of robbers to you?  “But I Have Been Watching”, declares The Lord.  (Jeremiah 7:9-11)   If we live like the devil, it is because we belong to the devil, We Do Not Belong to The Lord; God is Not Mocked; we will Reap what we Sow!   Our Daily Nugget is Jeremiah doing the same thing Jesus did when He was on earth.  Jesus made a whip and drove the greedy, cheating, insincere, dishonest, adulterous people out of His Father’s House and here Jeremiah is letting the people know that they are “Not Safe” from God’s Judgement, by going to the Temple, today it is “Goin

Count It All Joy!

                                                                      Count It All Joy!   The Shield of Faith is Required to “Count it All Joy”!   Count it “All” joy, my brothers, when you meet “trials of various kinds”.   (James 1:2)   We Live by Faith and not by Sight! A wise prayer: Lord bless me to obey this scripture. Obedience to Our Daily Nugget brings with it “Great Reward”. The “world’s way” is to be depressed and suicidal at trails of various kinds. The Kingdom Citizen’s Way is to “Count Each and Every Trial” as “Pure Joy”!    Love (Obey) The Lord, The Bible, and “Everything” Will Benefit You!  How “We Count It” (Faith) has nothing to do with “How It Look or Is” (Sight)!   This scripture will not work for us if our heart/mind has chosen to yield to the temptations of the world; it will only work for those who “Love (Obey) the Lord”. There is no way around it.  We can never get to right by going wrong!   What is the Command that we are to Obey? “To Love”! Do “For Me and To Me”


                                                                          Steadfast!   The Steadfast Spirit “Wait” On The Lord!    Blessed is the man who “remains steadfast” under “trials”, for when he has stood “the test” he will receive the “crown of life”, which God has promised to those who love (obey) Him.  (James 1:12)   God Cannot “Depend” on us, if we are not “Steadfast”!   Steadfast – The quality of being “resolutely” or “dutifully” firm and unwavering.  Firm in belief, determination, or adherence, loyal.  To be Steadfast is to “Resist the Devil”! Satan Will Flee When Kingdom Citizens Are “Steadfast” to the Word, the Bible! Satan is always going around seeking whom he may devour, God gives Satan permission to “test” us by creating “havoc”, “trials”, in our lives and in our households.  The more we “Study the Bible, the Word”, the more able we are to “Pass the Test”. The less we “Study the Bible” the more likely we are to “Flunk the Test”.   Loving the world and the things in i

The "Pruning"!

                                                                    The “Pruning”!   To be Pruned Is Painful and Uncomfortable; But Necessary!   I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.  He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit “he prunes” so that it will be even more fruitful.  (John 5:1&2)   The “Pruned Tree” Produces “More Fruit” ! Jesus is the “True Vine”.  Obedience to Jesus is required to Bear Fruit.   Pruning – To “cleanse”!  We all need to be Pruned, from “worldliness”!   Our Daily Nugget is telling us that, we all come to Jesus, “just as we are”, “in need of pruning”.  If we are not doing anything for Jesus, we are the branch that beareth “no fruit”.  We live for self, not for The Lord, the Father will cut that person off.     If we are doing work for Jesus, God will prune (cleanse) us of our weaknesses and faults and make us more productive Kingdom Citizens, and our life, our living will “Bear ‘More’ Fruit for T

When It's All Over!

                                                                    When It’s All Over!   The Wicked will Cease from Troubling; the Weary will be at Rest! Therefore, Don’t Worry Be Happy, Today!   For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an “eternal glory” that “far outweighs them all”.  So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.   (2 Corinthians 4:17-18) They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.  For the lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto “living fountains of waters” and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.   (Revelation 7:16 - 17)   They “planted in tears” but “reaped in joy”! We do not “fret” at what is “seen”, we “rejoice” at what is “unseen”! How tired are you of the wicked and evil people?  Their days are numbered!   Our Daily Nugget is telling us that “The Way” we are

Captive Thoughts!

                                                                  Captive Thoughts!   Take Thoughts Captive and Make Them Obey Christ!   For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh.  For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have “divine power” to destroys strongholds.  We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,  being ready to punish every disobedience, when obedience is complete.  (2 Corinthians 10:3-6)   We are Ambassadors and Soldiers of Jesus.! The spirit world controls the physical world ; we Take the Thoughts Captive in our “Thinking Process”.   Our Daily Nugget was written by Paul; God changed his name from Saul to Paul.  Saul was a “very religious” man but was operating without “Knowledge”.  Traditions and religions guided his actions and his zeal.  He thought he was working for the Lord but was persecuting  the Lord.  We do the same today, so o

Mortify Your Members!

                                                                 Mortify Your Members!   New Creatures Mortify, “Subdue”, “Put to Death”, their Bodies!   When Christ, “who is our life”, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him, in glory.  “Mortify” therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is “idolatry” (the worship of false gods).  But now ye also put off all these things; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication put out of your mouth.  (Colossians 3:4,5,&8)   New Life “Must Mean” New Living! The Goal is “To Walk, Live” Worthy of The Lord! If you know that you are not walking, living, worthy of the Lord, “Repent Today” and Receive the Salvation from the power of sin that Jesus Gives!   Mortify – To “put to death” or “take away”.  “Subdue” the body or its needs and desires by self-denial or discipline.  (This is within the Christian’s Ability).   Our Daily Nugget

Rude - Love is not Rude!

                                                     Rude – Love is Not Rude!   Rudeness – A “Little Person’s Imitation of Power”!   Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or “rude”.  It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.  ( 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a)   God is Love!  Love/God is “Not Rude”!  Satan is “Rude”!   Rude – To behave in a way that is improper, indecent, disgraceful, shameful or that brings reproach.   What Motivates a Kingdom Citizen to be Rude? Everything we do, say, or think; is led by our Thinking Process our “Heart/Mind”!   To be rude is evidence of obedience to the demonic spirit.  Situations does not make anyone act rudely.  We act rudely because we determined in our thinking process that being rude was the best way to act or to react to a situation.  The Holy Spirit would never lead a Kingdom Citizen to act rudely.   Being Rude is a weakness, not

Thy Kingdom Come!

                                                            Thy Kingdom Come!   You Determine If God’s Kingdom Come to You or Not!   Your Kingdom Come.  Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.  (Matthew 6:10) Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there!  for, behold, the “Kingdom of God” is “Within You”.  (Luke 17:21). (Your Heart/Mind)   God’s Kingdom Comes, When His Will is Done! A sin-filled heart/mind will prevent God’s Kingdom from “Being In You”!   Adam and Eve lost The Kingdom! Jesus Restored unto Us The Kingdom! The Future Aspect of the Kingdom of God is Heaven!  The Present Aspect of the Kingdom of God is Within Us! There is a Present Aspect and a Future Aspect of The Kingdom!   All Things Are Possible “In The Kingdom”! The Kingdom Of God is in Our “Heart/Mind”; We “access the resources” of the Kingdom through “Correct Thinking” which leads to Obedience in Living Right. According to The Bible!   Our Daily Nugget is part of Jesus teaching us “To Pray”.  The very first