
Showing posts from October, 2023

Rights or Obligation!

                                                            Rights or Obligation! “My Rights” or “My Obligation” to the “King and to the People”?   Don’t let your “right” to eat bring shame to Christ.  God’s Kingdom isn’t about eating or drinking.  It is about “Pleasing God”, about “Living in Peace”, and about “True Peace”.  All this comes from the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:16-18)   I Will never be able to Love You if I demand My Rights!   In Christ, we have rights,  we should utilize or not utilize our rights for the  benefit of one another and not just to satisfy self; pleasing self is not Pleasing God.   Our Daily Nugget is telling us what the “priorities” of our “New Life” as a Kingdom Citizen living on earth is to be all about.  New Creatures have a “New Agenda” in life; the old agenda with its practices “must be” placed aside to live our “New Life”.  This New Life is described in The Bible; it is all about pleasing God by Loving One Another.   This New Life is “The Same” for all Ki

Sincerity and Truth!

                                                                 Sincerity and Truth!   The Starting Point for Love; if we don’t Start, we can’t End!   “Sincerity” and “Truth” are what you “Require”; fill my mind with your “wisdom”. (Psalms 51:6)   When we Trust God, we don’t lie. It is Never worth it to lie or deceive at all. The Bible says, never say anything that is not true. “Deception and Lies” fill the void when “Sincerity and Truth” are Absent!   Our Daily Nugget is letting us know that God Requires us to  “Be Sincere” and to “Depend on Truth” and “To Ask Him for Wisdom”!   Sincerity – The quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy.  Real. Truth – The self-expression of God.  The Bible.  God’s Word is Truth. Require – Demand. Seek after. Wisdom – A capacity of the heart/mind that allows us to “understand” life from God’s perspective.   From God’s Perspective since everybody belongs to Him, He can “fill our minds with sincerity and truth”.  This is for our benefit


                                                                        Compassion!   Sheep With No Shepherd! Until Jesus comes back, The Sheep Needs to be Sphered! Jesus has chosen you and I, not them, to Shepherd the Sheep.   Then Jesus made a circuit of all the towns and villages.  He taught in their meeting places, reported kingdom news, and healed their diseased bodies, healed their bruised and hurt lives.  When he looked out over the crowds, “his heart (mind) broke.  So confused and aimless they were, “Like Sheep With No Shepherd”.  “What a huge harvest”!  Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; Pray therefore the Lord of the Harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.  (Matthew 9:35-38)   When Jesus looked at the “lostness” of the people, He Felt Compassion for them and this compassion “Moved” him to Shepherd, to “satisfy the needs of, the people.   Compassion – That (human) disposition that fuels acts of kindne

The "Host"

                                                                        The “Host”! Through our Thinking, our Heart/Mind, We Tell the Spirit World if we are a “Willing Host for Them or Not”!   When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it.  Then it says, “I will return to the house I left.”  When it arrives, it finds the house swept and clean and put in order.  Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and “they go in and live there”.  And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.  (Luke 11:24-26)   Our Daily Nugget is Jesus explaining to the people and to us how  demonic spirits operate in our Heart/Mind.  In verse 23, Jesus said to them.  “Whoever is not ‘with me’, and whoever ‘does not’ gather with me scatters”.   Are We “With Jesus”? Right here is “Victory” over demonic spirits.   Is the Light Of God’s Word turned “On or Off” in our heart/mind?  What are we Thinking about, what

Maintenance - Requirement For Living!

                                            Maintenance – Requirement For Living!   Treasure in Jars of Clay! Clay that is not maintained properly will become hard and unusable.   Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed daily. (2 Corinthians 4:16)   The Treasure is God’s Spirit in Us. Only Through God’s Word can we be “Maintained”! Everything that was made, needs to be Maintained to Live! The Best Place to go for Maintenance is The Original Manufacturer!    When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you “renew” the face of the earth. (Psalms 104:30).  This renew is maintenance of “All” His Creation.!   Jesus said, come to me, “All” who are heavy laden, and I will give you “rest”.  This rest is “maintenance” for our heart/mind. After rest we are ready for activity.  Solomon instructs us to “commit our actions and our transactions unto the Lord”,  then , our “imagination”, our ways of handling situations will be correct, erect, and prosperous.   God i

By Life or By Death!

                                                               By Life or By Death!   The Righteous (Right Livers)  are as Bold as a Lion but as Humble as a Lamb; Lambs are not afraid to die.   I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by “life or by death”.  (Philippians 1:20)    Afraid or Ashamed to Die?  “No guilt in life is no fear in death.  Afraid – Feeling fear or anxiety; frightened. Ashamed – Embarrassed or guilty of one’s actions, characteristics, or associations. We have been forgiven; therefore, we are not ashamed of our sin any longer. We are guilty as a dog, but free as a bird, this is shame with thankfulness.   The righteous (right livers) are always constantly aware of the great amount of sin and wrongdoing “they have been forgiven of”.  Their righteousness breeds boldness,  and humility at the same time.  A repented heart/mind and right living free us of f

Our Power!

                                                                        Our Power!   God gave Jesus “All Power”. Jesus has given to us, “All the Power” we need to “Live our Purpose”.    And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, “All Power” is given unto me in heaven and in earth. (Matthew 28:18) Behold I give unto you “power” to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the “power of the enemy”: and “nothing shall hurt you”.  (Luke 10:19)   Satan has given his demons power to protect his kingdom. Jesus has given us, Kingdom Citizens, power to protect His Kingdom. Jesus has All Power, Satan doesn’t. If we resist him, he will flee!    A sin-filled life will prevent us from “Living This Scripture”!   If You “Believe”, you “Shall See”, the “Glory of The Lord”! This is what Moses said to Israel when the mighty army of Egypt was coming in full force to destroy them, and the sea was in front of them.  There “appeared” to be no hope.  Our Daily Nugget lets us know that “nothing is too ha

Sarcasm - The Froward Mouth!

                                                  Sarcasm – The Froward Mouth!   The Froward Mouth and the Smart Mouth are “Sarcasm”! What we call a smart mouth could better be described as a dumb mouth!   The “fear of the Lord” is to “hate” evil, pride, arrogancy, and the evil way, and the “Froward Mouth”, “Do I Hate”.  (Proverbs 8:13)   The “Fear of the Lord” is to Love What God Loves and to Hate What God Hates!   Think on the definition of these words. Sarcasm – Saying one thing while meaning another to mock or convey contempt. Froward Mouth – Habitually disposed to showing disrespect using our mouth.  Contempt – Disrespect.   God Hates the “Smart-Dumb-Froward” Mouth! Today we do not use the term, froward mouth or dumb mouth, we use the term “smart mouth”; however, there is “nothing smart about it”.  It is very dumb to do things we know that God hates.  The smart/dumb/froward mouth is inspired by the demonic spirits having too much control over our Thinking Process, our heart/mind. 

Do They Know?

                                                                  Do They Know?   They will “Know” we are Christians by “Our Love”!   If it ain’t Love its Noise. Noise lets them know we "are not" Christians”!   A new commandment I give to you, that you “love one another”: “Just As I Have ‘Loved’ You”, you also “are to love one another”.  By “this” everyone will know that you are My disciples if you have Love and Unselfish Concern for one another. (John 13:34&35)   In our Daily Nugget, Jesus had just washed all the disciples’ feet; he dismissed Judas from the group. Then He started telling them about the New Commandment of Loving One Another.  The old commandment was to Obey the Law; the New Commandment that Jesus brought was for us to “Love One Another, The Way, He Loved Us”.        How Did Jesus “Love Us”?  How Is Your “Love Life”?  “Love is Doing”! Love is “Being the Church”!  When I was hungry you feed me, when I was sick you came and comforted me, when I was in prison

Cast The First Stone!

                                                                 Cast The First Stone!   They “all” walked away, the older walked away first! Not one of them could cast the first stone; not one of us can cast the first stone.   But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.  So, when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, “let him cast the first stone”.  (John 8:6&7)   Grace and mercy are what we all need and want. Therefore, grace and mercy are what we all should “quickly and abundantly give”; remember, that which we give will come back to us multiplied, looking like itself.   Our Daily Nugget is exposing a demonic spirit that leads us to understand like this.  The law for you, grace, and mercy for me!  God does not allow it to work like this. We cannot justify our sin and wrongdoing by saying “the Lord knows my heart”, He does, and that ought to “scare the hell out of yo

After "Many Days"!

                                                             After “Many Days”!   God’s “Seed Principle” on “Giving” and “Receiving” and “Doing Now”!   Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it “after many days”.  He who observes the wind will not sow.  And he who regards the clouds will not reap. (Ecclesiastes 11:1&4)   Our Daily Nugget  is Solomon giving us instructions on giving and it’s fruit and on what we base our actions or our inactions on.  Do we first try to “figure it out before we do” or do we Trust God and just do what He says no matter what things look like?   God placed the seed in everything! What guides our decision making, the Word or the World? Observes – Notice or perceive (something) and register it as significant.   The best and purest way to receive much is to often give much.  God is telling us that it is coming back to you “after many days”.  To give, to plant, acts of Love each day, will guarantee that many acts of Love will be done unto us aft

Adversity - My Friend!

                                                             Adversity – My Friend!   My “Greatest Growth” Occurred in “Adversity”!   Count it “all joy”, my brothers, when “you meet ‘trials’ of various kinds”, for you know that “the testing of your faith” produces “steadfastness” (patience).  And “let” steadfastness (patience) have its “full effects”, “that you may be ‘perfect’ and ‘complete’, lacking in nothing”!  (James 1:2-4)   I heard a man say, if I never had problems, I would not have experienced God Solving them.   Trial – An examination by “testing”.  Biblically, it is a “test of faith” in which you experience trouble or adversity.   Our Daily Nugget is a command from God to “count Adversity as our Friend”.  The way we “look at” a thing or “think” about a thing has a “great deal” to do with how that thing affects our life.  The same situation can bring life or death, depending on how we “look at it”.  Adversity produces steadfastness (patience), and when we allow patience to ha

The "Rudder" - The "Tongue"!

The "Rudder" - The "Tongue"!  By “proper use” of the rudder, the pilot can guide a big ship, on rough seas,  safely to its destination, the Bible is our instruction manual on use of the rudder.   Be careful “what you think” because “your thoughts run your life”.  Don’t use your mouth to tell lies; don’t ever say things that are “not true”.  Keep your eyes focused on what is “right” and look straight ahead to what is “good”.  (Proverbs 4:23-25)   Our “living” follows our “focusing”! The mouth speaks what the heart/mind “has been filled with”. The Rudder is “Controlled” by either the Holy Spirit or the Demonic Spirit!   What we “Think About” develops our “Thoughts”. Our “Thoughts” are the “Beginning” of the “Things” “We Do”! Whoever Controls the Rudder Determines “What We, the Ship Does! Ask yourself, “is it a wise man or a foolish man that controls your rudder? Our “words”, our “mouth”, lets us know who is “controlling” Our Heart/Mind.   The Bible Gives Instructions