
Showing posts from December, 2023

You Can't Change "The Past"!

                                                     You Can’t Change “The Past”!   He Who “Lives” in “The Past”, Has No “Future”! Churches, families, nations, have all died, due to attempts to “Live in the Past”!   “Forget” the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.  (Isaiah 43:18-19)   The Past is what it is, it “can” “never” be anything different!   Going Forward,  while looking back, is “Great Foolishness; It will lead to destruction! Think about driving a car while utilizing this strategy; it’s the same with life. We cannot see where we are going if we are looking back to where we came from.   At first glance we all might say, “I don’t go forward while looking back, that’s crazy”.  However, that is the way we attempt, too often, to live our lives.  Seeking revenge is a way of going forward while looking back. Watch your “anger”; it leads to dea

For "Rest", "Think On"!

                                                         For “Rest”, “Think On”!     “Think On” “These Things” and “Rest”, “Peace”, Will Occur! There is “no peace”, “nor any rest “, ”for the wicked”, saith The Lord1   “For The Rest”, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, “Think On” and “Weigh” and “Take Account” of these things (fix your Minds on them).  “Practice” what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and “model” your way of living on it, and the “God of Peace” will be with you.  (Philippians 4:7-9)   You can “Turn it Around”, “Lickety-Split”, or Quicker!  We’ll Think on things that lead to Life or we’ll Think on things that leads to Death. Our thinking creates our thoughts, our thoughts are the “beginning of the things we do

The Blessings in "Faithfulness"!

                                                  The Blessings in “Faithfulness”!   God Is Faithful to Us as We Are Faithful to Others!   So, Boaz took Ruth, and she became his wife; and he went in unto her, and Jehovah gave her conception, and she bare a son.  And the women said unto Naomi, Blessed be Jehovah, who hath not left thee this day without a kinsman; and let his name be famous in Israel.  (Ruth 4:13-17)   The “more” you give, the “more” He gives to you!   Our Daily Nugget is about people who Loved their neighbors as they Loved themselves; they were faithful to each other, and God showed His Blessings due to their Faithfulness.   Naomi was married and had two sons, who were both married.  Naomi’s husband and both of here sons died.  Naomi’s concern was for her daughters-in-law and told them to not worry about her, but to go back to their home; they were young and could remarry.  Ruth’s main concern was for her mother-in-law, so she stayed with her, to help make sure she was

God's Children Stand Up!

                                                         God’s Children Stand Up!   Those are God’s Children!  Those are God’s Children?   Dear friends, now we are “Children of God”, and what we will be has not yet been made known.  (1 John 3:2) The field is the world, and the good seed is the “Sons of the Kingdom”.  The weeds are the “Sons of the evil one”.  (Matthew 13:38)   We are Kingdom Citizens, or we are not Kingdom Citizens!   Jesus said, “Be ye Hot or Cold for Me”; there is no middle ground between hot or cold, that has Salvation.  The “lukewarm” Jesus said, He would spit them out of His Mouth.  Hypocrites are “lukewarm”; they say one thing and do another, pretenders.   If you do not Love the Lord with all your heart/mind, and soul, and if you do not Love your neighbor as you Love yourself, “You Know It”, “Repent Today”! Love is “Doing”; Love is Not Lukewarm!   The world has heard what Jesus is like and that God’s Children should be “Like Jesus”.  When people “who say” they ar

Hidden Treasures in "Waiting"!

                                                      Hidden Treasures in “Waiting”!   We Can Do This; “We Can ‘Wait’ On the Lord” or We Can “Not Wait”!   “Wait” for Jehovah: “Be” strong and “let” thy heart (mind) take courage; Yea “wait” thou for Jehovah.  (Psalms 27:14) But those who “wait” on the Lord “Shall Renew Their Strength”; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.  (Isaiah 40:31)   To “Soar Effortlessly”, the Eagle “waits” on what The Lord provides, the Wind’s Current.  Our Waiting on the Lord is how we “position”  ourselves to Soar effortlessly over the darkness of these last days; Jesus has paid it all.    There are Treasures from the Lord to those who “Wait on Him”! The Lord has “Committed Himself to Our Care”, when we “Wait on Him”!   In our Fallen State, we do not like to Wait on The Lord. Wait, I say, On The Lord!  Why Would God Tell Us That? Through Waiting, God prepares Victory for us as we Stand Still

The "Source" of "Your Pollution"!

                                                   The “Source” of “Your Pollution”!   We “Are” what we “Consume” in Our “Heart/mind”,  our “Thinking Process”; “This Determines What Comes Out of Our Mouths!   Jesus called the crowd together again and said, “Listen now, all of you-take this to heart".  It’s not what you swallow that “Pollutes Your Life”; it’s “what you vomit-that’s the Real Pollution”.  (Mark 7:14&15)   I don’t Drink, I don’t Smoke, I don’t do Drugs; I Didn’t Pollute Me! The “Wrong Raw Materials” In the “Thinking Process”, the “Heart/Mind” Leads us To Live a Polluted Life!  What we vomit out is what we consumed in.   The Pharisees and the religious scholars were “Focused On, Thinking About” “The Religions and the Traditions, their focus had nothing to do with “Love”; “If It Ain’t Love It’s Just Noise”!  Please beware of the Deception and Noise in religions and traditions; they “cannot” lead to life, only death; “Unless The Bible Leads The Way”.   The Pharisees

Joy "In" Gratitude!

                                                                  Joy “In” Gratitude!   There is no “Joy” without “Gratitude”!   Rejoice always, pray continually, “give thanks in all circumstances”; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) Oh, “give thanks” to the Lord, for He is “good”, for His “Steadfast Love” endures forever. (Psalms 107:1)   Our Service to God,  Should Spring from A “Spirit of Gratitude” For Grace Received!   Gratitude – Extending favor towards or giving grace and kindness “as a response”. Joy – A fruit of the “Holy Spirit”.  “Choosing to Respond” to external circumstances with inner contentment and satisfaction, because we know that God will use these experiences to accomplish His work in and through our lives.  We count it All Joy.   Our Daily Nugget Instructs us to “Give Thanks In ‘All’ Circumstances”. Picture yourself, Giving Thanks, in a Very Horrible Circumstance. This is why we “Must Think Like and Live Like the New Creatures

The "Perfect Work" of "Patience"!

                                                  The “Perfect Work” of “Patience”!   "Patience” “Perfect Work” was shown in the “Life and Death” of Jesus!    But let “Patience” have her “Perfect Work”, that ye “May be Perfect and Entire”, wanting nothing.  (James 1:4) The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want… The Savior said, “Be ye ‘therefore’ “Perfect”, even as your Father which is in Heaven is “Perfect”.  (Matthew 5:48). I can Obey Him.   God’s Commands Are Not “Too Hard” for us To Obey! This is Life Inside the Kingdom of God, while still on Earth! God would never “Command” us to do something that was “impossible” for us to do. This is not an invitation to do everything without ever making a mistake; it is an invitation to “Commit” your “Heart/Mind, Your Thinking Process”, to God and what He would have you to do.  God’s “Will” takes first place over “Our Will”.   Ain’t Nobody Perfect!  That term “Is Not” a Bible Scripture!  If I had five dollars for every time a Christian sai


                                                                           Twisted!   Anybody that is Twisted is “Out of Order” and “Useless to God”!   My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this:  Everyone should be “quick to listen” and “slow to speak” and “slow to become angry”, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.  (James 1:19-20)   Out of Control Tongues are Twisted!  The Correct Order “Untwists” The Situation! Be Slow to Speak and Quick to Listen – Not Quick to Speak and Slow to Listen!   Our Daily Nugget is telling us to  “Button It”, “Control Our Mouth”, this will “Please God”! Oftentimes, “Fear” is the foundation of a “Out of Control Mouth”! God is against and is not pleased with a “Run Away – Out of Control Mouth”! The World teaches us to “beat them to death with the tongue”; God’s Word say no.   All the first Book of James is giving examples of how New Creatures, Kingdom Citizens is supposed to Live “According to the Bible”.  Living ac

The "fruit" of "Wise Teachers"!

                                                 The “Fruit” of “Wise Teachers”!   Pray to God for “Wise Teachers” and the “Desire to Study The Word”!   Whoever “despises” the Word “must pay” for it, but whoever “reveres” the command will be rewarded.  The teaching of the wise is a “fountain of life”, “turning one from the snares of death”. (Proverbs 13:13 & 14).   Through Study of The Word, You can Identify the False Teachers and the Wise Teachers!  If we do not Study the Word, but Despise the Word, we don’t know if our Teacher is a False Teacher or a Wise Teacher.  Wise Teachers lead to Life, False Teachers lead to death.   Despise – “Woe” to him who despises God’s Word. – “Know Despise”! The word despise doesn’t only mean loathing or hating something.  It also means contempt.  And contempt is the feeling that something is “beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn”.   Revere – “Profound” Respect and Love.  Study is a form of Reverence.    With the Wisest Teachers, stu

The Hypocrites "Destiny"!

                                                      The Hypocrite’s “Destiny”!   Depart from me you “wicked” person, “I Never Knew You”!   The Hypocrite’s “Hope” Shall Perish. (Job 8:13) Such is the “Destiny” of all who forgets God. (Job 8:13) And I’ll profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me. (Matthew 7:23)    What do you mean you never knew “me”?   Hypocrite – The act of “pretending or putting on a show” to deceive.                     A hypocrite’s smile is just a frown turned upside down.   The Bible says that, when Jesus comes back, He is not coming to deal with sin, “He’s Coming to Get Those Who are Ready and Waiting”, for Him.  Hypocrites are not ready nor are they waiting, they are too busy entertaining “slick spirits”, showing them how to deceive more and to cause more destruction and division.   God says these hypocrites slip in among the congregation of Believers and proceed with their deception and destruction.  The landscape of their life is filled with destro

The "Giver": the "Receiver"!

                                                            The “Giver” the “Receiver”?    “It is ‘Better to Give” than it is to Receive”! There is nothing wrong with receiving, it’s just “better to give”!     Remembering the Words, the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive. (…Acts 20:35) Give, and you will receive.  Your gift will return to you in full, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your laps.  The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.  (Luke 6:38)   What Do You say?   Look to your actions concerning giving and receiving for the answer.   What we “Give” determines What we “Receive”! Loving the world will lead us to give less or nothing, thinking we will have more, the less we give away.  We don’t give to get; we give because we Love our Neighbors as we Love ourselves, we want their needs met.  God judge our motives.   Our Daily Nugget is about “Equal Weights and Equal Measures”.  God

Bless Yourself, "Be Merciful"!

                                                     Bless Yourself, “Be Merciful”!   Give and “it” shall be given unto you; “even mercy”!    The merciful man doeth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel troubleth his own soul.  (Proverbs 11:17)   Whatever you want in life “give it”, for “it” is coming back, even mercy. Pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall people be merciful to you.   Cruel –  Inhuman; barbarous; savage; causing pain, grief, or distress, vexing or afflicting.  Cursed be their wrath, for it was cruel. (Genesis 44) Merciful – Forgiveness or withholding punishment.   To be Merciful is “Obedience to the Holy Spirit”. To be Unmerciful is “Disobedience to the Holy Spirit”.   Our Daily Nugget is Solomon giving us some more of his Wisdom. To make a person “pay” is our natural state of heart/mind; this is a desire of the Old Creature when we are wronged or perceived a wrong was done to us.  An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, is the Old Creature’s way o