
Showing posts from March, 2024

Why Seek the Living Among The Dead?

                                          Why Seek the Living Among the Dead?   If we have “risen” with Him, our Tomb will be Empty.   And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, he said unto them, why seek ye the living among the dead?  He is not here, but “He Is Risen” remember how he spoke unto you when he was yet in Galilee.  (Luke 24:5-6)   He “Arose” ; let us, “Arise” for Him! To Love the Lord and our Neighbor is our way of “Arising for Him”.   In our Daily Nugget the women went to the tomb where Jesus was laid, an angel had rolled the stone away and the tomb was empty.  An angel was setting on the stone and said to the women “Why Seek Ye the Living Among the Dead”?  “He Has Risen”, just like He said He would.   The Old Creature is Gone. Is there anything in your tomb?  When they looked for Him, the tomb was empty. When they look for us, the old creature, let our tomb be empty.  The people who “knew” us before we arose are now surprised that we “no longer” j

Be The Church!

                                                                     Be The Church!   The Kingdom Is Yours – Love the Lord and Your Neighbor!   The Kingdom is yours “ for when ” I was hungry, you gave me food to eat.  When I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink.  When I had no place to stay, you welcomed me into your home.  When I was without clothes, you gave me something to wear.  When I was sick, you cared for me.  When I was in prison, you came to visit.  (Matthew 25:35&36)   I heard a man say, true faith doesn’t stay locked within the walls of a church building.   Is The Kingdom Yours?  “ For when”. Whenever we do for the least of them, we do “it” for Jesus. Whenever we refuse to do for the least of them, we refuse to do “it” for Jesus.   Our Daily Nugget is letting us know what “Love” looks like for Kingdom Citizens.  In our Daily Nugget Jesus is telling the people that the Kingdom is theirs, they did these things for Him, and we know that when we do things for people

The "Worship" that God Wants!

                                                      The “Worship” that God Wants!   “Biblical Worship” is all about “Doing for Others” and “Living Holy”!    The “Worship” that God wants is this:  Caring for orphans or widows who need help and keeping yourself free from the world’s evil influence.  (James 1:27)   This type of worship is “Love”. Some Bibles translates worship with religion. God Wants “Everybody to be Okay” and to “Live Right”!   How Do You “Worship”? God is All About “Doing for Us”.  We should be all about “Doing for Others”. When everybody is all about doing for others, that is when everybody will be okay.   Loving, giving, doing, sharing, caring, these are the things that makes life beautiful and pleasant for everybody; especially the ones who can’t do for themselves.  This is the way Jesus Worshipped.  The Churches of today call worship service going to the church house, where there’s singing, praying, preaching.  This is how we assemble together .   Biblical Worshi

The Exchange.

                                                                      The Exchange.   Exchange “It” “Some Day” for a “Crown”.   Let us “not become weary” in doing good, for at “the proper time” we will “reap a harvest” “if we do not give up”.  (Galatians 6:9)   Nothing on this earth is meant to Last Forever; good nor bad.   Our Daily Nugget is Paul explaining to the Church at Galatia and us that at times in life in our efforts to do good, live right and treat people right, we can become weary, tired of doing good and right. Paul is telling us not to become weary in doing good for at the “proper time” we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.   The troubles that we endure for  “Righteousness Sake” will be “Exchanged for A Crown”!  Count It All Joy!   To begin any endeavor with “The End in Mind” is a Wise Way to live.  We head toward that which we Focus On.  To Focus on the problem  draws us more into the problem, to focus on the solution draws us more to the solution.     When Jesus

The Power in Oneness.

                                                          The Power in Oneness.   The People were able to do anything because they were One.   Our prayer is that “together”, we “may be filled with the knowledge of “His Will” in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, “so as to walk” in “a manner worthy of the Lord”, fully pleasing to Him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.    (Colossians 1:9-10)   We are, what we consume. The power of oneness works for good and bad. The people were able to accomplish anything because they were “One”. We can either fill ourselves with Good Knowledge or with Bad Knowledge.   Our Daily Nugget is Paul explaining to us that we must be one, by filling our heart/mind with the “Knowledge of God’s Will in all Spiritual wisdom and understanding”.  This filling enables us to Live a Life “Worthy of the Lord”, “bearing Fruit in every good work”, “and Increasing in the Knowledge of God”.  To stop increasing is to start decreasin

The Keys!

                                                                         The Keys.   We’ve got “The Keys” to “The Kingdom”!   I will give you the “Keys to the Kingdom”, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.  (Matthew 16:19) “All Things” are possible in the “Kingdom”.   We can do All Things through Jesus, the Christ, for He strengthens us. When the doors are locked, the world needs the one with The Keys!  Sin locked the  doors and without the Keys we are prisoners of sin and wrongdoing.  Thanks be to  Jesus the Christ who has given us the Keys, now we can set ourselves and others  “Free” from the "Power of Sin".  We were set free from the “Penalty of Sin” when we  first believed.  Jesus the Christ is King of the Kingdom and He has now given us  “The Keys”.    Our Daily Nugget tells us, “Our Words have Creative Power”! Think about this all day long and remember, you’ve got the Key to “It”.   In our Da

Revelation - The Revealing!

                                                   Revelation – The Revealing!   The Holy Spirit Reveals “The Way”, otherwise, we’ll never Know It.!   But God hath “revealed” them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searches all things,  yea, the deep things of God.  (2 Corinthians 2:10)   Christianity and Religion are not the same. The people had Christianity and Religion twisted, Paul is getting it straight. Religion depends on Revelation; however, Christianity does not depend on Religion!   Christianity – “Belief” that Jesus is the Messiah promised in the Old Testament, the  Son of God, sent to earth to save humanity from the consequences of its sins. Revelation – To uncover something not yet known. Religion – A “particular system” of faith and worship.  Religion is not a belief.                  This “system” of faith and worship may or may not be based on the Bible.   Our Daily Nugget is Paul’s letter to the Church at Corinth and to us, letting us know that The Way has been reve

Fire Flyers for Jesus!

                                                            Fire Flyers for Jesus!   To whom “Much is Given”, “Much is Required”!   That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as “lights in the  world”.  (Philippians 2:5)   The Crooked and Perverse Nation  “Needs Our Light”; We have been “Given Much”! Kingdom Citizens are to be “Fire Flyers” for a crooked and perverse nation!   Fire Flyers – A winged nocturnal beetle that produce soft intermittent light.  Their                      light shines in the darkness.  You can catch them, tie a thread on their   tail and they would fly around and “light your way ”.  Put them together   in a jar and they will light the room.   Our Daily Nugget instructs us to be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, “Without Rebuke”.  Nobody, who’s doing wrong, wants to hear you tell them about Jesus and obeying Jesus, when you are sinning and doing more wrong tha

The Gentle Tongue.

                                                                The Gentle Tongue.   Our Words have “Creative Power”.   A gentle tongue is a “tree of life”, but perverseness (evil in words) in it breaks the spirit. (Proverbs 15:4)   Our Words will bring “Life” or “Death”! A Wise Prayer – Lord, bless me to have a Gentle Tongue. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. – Use a Gentle Tongue with them.   Our Daily Nugget is Solomon giving us wise instruction concerning using our tongue. The Bible says,  that, “the mouth speaks what the heart/mind has been filled with”. When we fill our heart/mind with good words, good ideas, joyful ideas, wise words, hopeful words,  right things, “then” our tongue will be a “tree of life” for ourselves, our household,  and our neighbors.   When we fill our heart/mind with selfishness, pride, anger, hurt, vengeance, arrogancy, the froward mouth, cursing, deception,  “then” our tongue, our words will be “perverse”, untrustworthy, deceptive, leading to death

The Lord Needs a Loan.

                                                           The Lord Needs a Loan.   Will you make a loan to Jesus?   Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done. (Proverbs 19:17)   The Lord Sends the “Poor” To Pick It Up!   One of the best things we can do for ourselves  is to obey the command to “Give to Everyone Who Ask You for Something”. What goes on in your heart/mind, when a homeless, begging, poor person, ask you to give them something?  What would go on in your heart/mind if Jesus asked you to loan Him some money?   If Jesus asked us to loan Him some money, we would probably climb all over each other to make the loan to Him.  Is there such eagerness to give to a begging, homeless, poor person?  If not, why not?  Love or Greed, which is the motivation?   “Love” is Filling the Needs of Others. We are commanded to “Love” our neighbors as we “Love” ourselves.   What good is there in telling a cold and hungry person to be warmed and


                                                                  Characteristics!     Character – The Real Person, Beneath the Skin.   Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, “for I am ‘gentle and humble’ in heart (mind)”, and you will find rests for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)   Saved or Unsaved! Our Living follows our Thinking. Good and Bad character is defined by the Bible. Our Characteristics are the “Fruit” of our Character. Our characteristics will either be, Christ like, or Satan like. Our characteristics are our way of letting everyone know “what” we are.  Character – The mental and moral qualities “distinctive” to an individual.                   Our character will express “the real us”, through our characteristics.   Kingdom Citizens have a “New Character”, because we are New Creatures, which brings about New Characteristics, otherwise we are still the o