
Showing posts from February, 2024

Crucified With Christ!

                                                            Crucified With Christ!   If I Live it is for Christ! If I Die it is for Christ!   I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.  The life I now live in the body, I live by “Faith” in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.  (Galatians 2:20)   Have You “Crucified Self”? Are You Living in You, or is Christ Living in You? To Live for Self leads to death, to Live for Christ leads to Life! Our “Crucifixion” starts in the “Heart/Mind” and “Shows” itself in our “Living”!   Crucify – To put someone to death by nailing them or binding them to a “Cross”!                This someone is the person we see when we look in the mirror.   Jesus said that there is a Cross for everyone, He also said that if we are not willing to “take up our Cross” and follow Him, then we are not worthy of Him. Our Cross and our Purpose “Walk Together”!  We see this plainly in the life of Joseph.  Joseph went from

Adversity - Affliction!

                                                             Adversity – Affliction!     Why Me?  Due to Your “Disobedience and Sin”!   And though the “Lord Give You” the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide himself anymore, but your eyes shall see your Teacher.  And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or to the left.  (Isaiah 30:20-21)   Our God is a “Good Father”! He Knows and Acts accordingly that, “To Spare the Rod is to ‘ruin’ the child”! A Good Father will utilize the “Rod of Correction”; some calls it “corporal punishment”; God calls it “Love”!  For a father to refuse to utilize the Rod of Correction is worse than corporal punishment, it’s disobedience to the Bible, which is sin.   The Bible says, “mischief is bound in the heart/mind of a child”, but “The Rod of Correction” will drive it far from them.  Mischief is a very bad thing.   Our Daily Nugget is Isaiah explain

Profit and Loss!

                                                             Profit and Loss!   Your “soul” for the “whole world”, “Deal or No Deal”!   For what shall it “profit” a man if he gains the whole world, and lose his own soul?   Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?   (Mark 8:36 & 37)   Is It “Worth” It? The “desires” of our heart/mind will guide our “choice”! Only what we do for Christ will “last” and be “counted in the end”!   Profit – A “gain” over the “cost”! Soul – That “eternal” part of man and woman that lives forever. World – The “material”, “temporary,” things in life.    Our Daily Nugget ask us two questions: 1.      What is the “profit” if a man gains the whole world and lose his soul? 2.      What shall a man give in “exchange” for his soul?   During each day, we must make choices concerning what we will do and what we will not do; do we go to the left or to the right, do we say yes to this or no to this?  Consider this in your decision making, “the Soul” will li

A Call to Holiness.

                                                                    A Call to Holiness.   Is a Call to “Prepare” Oneself For Action!   Therefore “grid up the lions of your mind”, be sober, and “rest your hope” “fully” upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the “former lusts”, as in your ignorance; but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in your conduct, because it is written, “Be Holy, for I Am Holy”.  (1 Peter 1:13-16)    Jesus said, “Be Ye Holy, for I Am Holy”!   Our Daily Nugget is telling the people and us that God, through Jesus, has given us everything we need to complete the work of God and Jesus through us.  Since God and Jesus has done these things; “Therefore” our job is to “grid up the lions of our mind”.  This means that we must learn “ To Control our Thinking Process”, our hearts/minds.   To “Be Holy” is not the same as to “To Be Perfect”! Jesus was the only Holy One in th

The "Gossipers"!

                                                                  The “Gossipers”!   Gossip - A Dangerous and Common Sin! The Holy Spirt would never lead one to Gossip, only the Demonic Spirit!   At the same time, they also learn to be idle, going from house to house; they are not only idle, but they are also “gossips” and busybodies, “saying things they shouldn’t say”.   (1 Timothy 5:13)   Our Daily Nugget  are about Single women as Gossipers and Busybodies, as they learn to be “idle”! All people, men and women of all ages can be gossipers and busybodies.  The best remedy for the Demon of Gossip is The Word, the Bible.  It is impossible to focus on gossiping and the Word at the same time.   Never Trust a Gossiper! Our Words lead to Life or Death!  The Gossipers Causes Much Death,  Destruction and Division”! The demon of gossip seeks out the “idled heart/mind”!   Gossip – One who reveals secrets, one who goes about as a talebearer or scandalmonger.  A gossiper is a person who has privi

Make Them Marvel!

                                                              Make Them Marvel!   Never fret at the efforts of the wicked. – Trusting God will make them marvel.   But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites?  Shew me your money.  And they brought unto him a penny.  And he saith unto him, Caesar’s.  Then saith he unto them, render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.  When they had heard these words, “they marveled”, and left him, and went their way.  (Matthew 22:18-22)   God’s Law or Man’s Law?  One leads to Life, and one leads to Death! Kingdom Citizens is required to Obey God’s Laws and Man’s Laws!   Wicked – The state of being wicked; a mental disregard for justice, righteousness, truth, honor, virtue; evil in thought and life; depravity; sinfulness; criminality.   Our Daily Nugget  is about some men who thought of a “wicked idea” to trap Jesus into saying something against the government, Cae

Wait on The Lord!

                                                                   Wait On The Lord!   Power – The Fruit of a “Humble & Patient” Spirit!   So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God.  He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt.  (Genesis 45:8).   The Lord “Lifts” the Humble and He “Humbles” the Proud! Joseph was humble, his wicked, evil, and jealous brothers were proud!   Our Daily Nugget is about a man named Joseph, who God had chosen to use, whose father found favor in him over his older brothers, and whose older brothers was jealous of him, sold him into slavery and lied to their father that he had been eaten by wild animals.   Joseph was very humble, nowhere in scripture do we see him “fighting for his rights”.  He had been abused and misused by everyone except God and his father.  Joseph was not only humble, but he was also forgiving and giving.  Joseph sought God’s help and he waited on God’s help.   God is Always in Total Control

Whoa or Woe?

                                                      Whoa or Woe?   Obedience leads to “Whoa”, Disobedience leads to “Woe”!   But as it is written eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart (mind) of man the things which God has prepared for those who Love (Obey) Him.  (1 Corinthians 2:9) And I will “bless” them that “bless” thee and “curse” him that “curse” thee: and “in thee” shall all families of the earth be “blessed”.  (Genesis 12:3)   God “Knows” how to “Bless and to Curse”! Even though we have Jesus, God Requires Obedience! “Whoa” to those who do Right; and “Woe” to those who do Wrong! Blessings for those who do Right, and Curses for those who do Wrong! Obedience the prerequisite for Blessings, disobedience, the prerequisite for Curses!   What Does It All Mean – Definitions? Blessed – Made holy, consecrated; not made perfect. Cursed – To “speak” hurt, harm; to affirm or deny with words of divine vengeance.  Whoa – Used to express pleasant surprise, interes

When Jesus Calls!

                                                                 When Jesus Calls!   Immediately, “Drop Everything” and Follow Him!   Come, follow me, Jesus said, and I will send you out to fish for people.  “At Once” they left their nets and followed him.  Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James, son of Zebedee, and his brother John, preparing their nets.  Jesus called them, and “immediately” they left the boat and their father and followed him.   (Matthew 4:19-22)   Jesus does not call Lazy People! The Bible says lazy people are irritating! Nothing is more important than answering the call. Jesus the Word, and Satan the World, are always Calling!   Jesus Calls Us Every Day! Jesus says in the Bible that “He is standing at the door of our heart/mind knocking”, wanting to come in and “direct” our Thinking and therefore our living.  We cannot serve God and Money.  In our Daily Nugget scriptures, these men were hard at work when Jesus called them; they “immediately” dropped

Are You A Christian? I'm Spiritual!

                                                 Are You a Christian?     I’m Spiritual!   Okay!  What Does That Mean?  Can Being Spiritual “Save”?  No!   If you “declare” with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord”, and “believe” in your heart (mind) that God raised him from the dead, “you will be saved”.  For it is with your heart (mind) that you “believe” and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you “profess” your faith and are saved.  (Romans 10:9&10)   Satan is also Spiritual. The Saved and the Unsaved are Spiritual! When people say this, do they really know what they are saying? “Ask Them”! In your conversations with people, if you were to ask them; “are you a Christian”?  Oftentimes the answer is “I’m Spiritual”.  Ask them, what does that mean? To be Spiritual and a Christian are not necessarily the same.    Who is a Christian? – A follower of Jesus the Christ! Christians are the same all over the world, regardless of their religion or tradition! The life of the Christians is


                                                                           Committed!   Victory or Defeat Lies in our “Commitment”!   Commit to the Lord “whatever” you do, and your plans “will succeed”.  (Pro. 16:3) In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord “determines” his steps. (Pro. 16:9) And since Abraham and the other patriarchs were holy, their descendants will also be holy-just as the entire batch of dough is holy “because the portion given as an offering is holy”.  For if the “roots” of the tree are holy, the branches will be, too.  (Romans 11:16)   When we “Commit” the “First Portion” to The Lord, The Lord blesses, care for, see after, protects the Rest of that which was Committed!   Our Daily Nugget scriptures are giving us a “Formula for Success”.  If we “commit” the first of “it” to The Lord, “All of ‘It’ Becomes Holy”.  First thing in the morning, committing “that day” to the Lord through prayer, bible reading, asking the Lord to guide us that day is giving the fi


                                                                   Self-Control!   The “Freedom” to Live Between the “Lines of Life”!   It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by “a yoke of slavery”.  (Galatians 5:1)   Self-Control, The Fruit of “Thinking Right”! Self-Control, Self-Discipline, is “required” in our Living, otherwise, we run the risk of being burdened “again” by “a” yoke of slavery!   My “yoke of slavery”, my “weakness”, may be different than yours; Christ has set both of us free from our “yoke of slavery”.  We “stand firm” in this freedom through Self-Control, Self-Discipline”.  Otherwise, we will become burdened “again” by it.   To Stand Firm requires Love! The “Command”  we have is “To Love! We are to utilize the Shield of Faith to Stand Firm! The only thing that counts is “Faith ‘expressing’ itself through Love”!   Self-control, self-discipline, or the lack thereof, is the “Fruit” or “End” of our T