
Showing posts from May, 2024

Enjoy "Joy".

                                                                     Enjoy “Joy”.   Enjoying Joy is “Contagious”, and Very Healthy for the Spirit and Body!   May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.  (Romans 15:13) Rejoice in Hope, to be patient in tribulation, but consistent in prayer. (Romans 12:12) Rejoice in the Lord “Always”, again I say, “Rejoice”.  (Philippians 4:4)   Consistence in prayer is required. Enjoying Joy is the Fruit of Right Thinking. God Wants Us To Experience and to Live in “Joy”! We cannot “Enjoy Joy” and “Be Unkind” at the “Same Time”!   Hope – The confident expectation of what God has promised, and its strength is in “His Faithfulness”. God “cannot” let us down. Joy – A “attitude” of the heart/mind. Joy comes from the Holy Spirit, abiding in God’s presence and from hope in His Word.  Joy is dependent on who Jesus is rather than on who we are or what is happening around us.  


                                                                              Forgive.   The Forgiver! – The Forgiven!   Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, with all malice, and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, “forgiving one another”, as God in Christ forgave you.  (Ephesians 4:31-32)   Only the Forgivers will be Forgiven. We All need to Forgive, and We All need to be Forgiven! To forgive is to start “new life” for the Forgiver and for the Forgiven.   Forgive – The act of pardoning an offender.  Literally means “To Let Go”.   Experience the “joy” in forgiving and in being forgiven.  It is very unhelpful and very unhealthy, physically, and spiritually, to refuse to forgive.  The Holy Spirit will always lead you to forgive, the demonic spirit will always lead you to “not forgive”.  The demonic spirit will say, “you saw what they did, they deserve your anger”.  The demonic spirit hates you, the Holy Spirit Loves You.   No one is “in a

Tested Faithfulness!

                                                                 Tested Faithfulness!     The Ram in the Bush.  The Lord Always Provides for the Faithful!   Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns.  He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering “instead of his son”.  So, Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide.  And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the Lord, ‘It’ will be provided”.  (Genesis 22:13&14)   The Faithful will see “The Ram in The Bush”! A Wise Prayer: “Lord Bless Me to Exercise ‘My’ Faith like Abraham”. No One nor Nothing is more important to the Kingdom Citizen, then Obedience!    Let Us Really “See” What Is Happening Here! God had “promised” Abraham that he would be the Father of many nations through his wife Sarah. Sarah was barren and had never gotten pregnant, now she is about ninety and Abraham was well over ninety.  Abraham’s Faith “never wavered” that what God said would happen.   Finally,

The "Deceiver" will be "Deceived"!

                                             The “Deceiver” will be “Deceived”!   Stay “Encouraged” ;  Deceptive People Can’t Get The Best of You.   Then Jacob said to Laban, “Give me my wife".  “My time is completed”, and I want to have sex with her.  So, Laban brought together all the people of the place and gave a “feast”.  But when evening came, he took his daughter Leah and brought her to Jacob, and Jacob had sex with her.  (Genesis 29:21-23)    God will “Pay You Back” for the “Wrongs People Do To You”!   Keep doing your best, God is aware of all mistreatments and “He will make it up to you”.  God will settle your account for you. God allows us to go “through it, to get to it”, we must bring to the table, patience, sincerity, truth, and trust.   Our Daily Nugget is a deceptive man named Laban, who was Jacob’s uncle, had two daughters, the older name Leah, and the younger named Rachel. Jacob loved Rachel and agreed to work for seven years as payment for Rachel in marriage.  Th

The "Narrow Way"!

                                                                The “Narrow Way”.   The Narrow Way has ”No Room for Self”!   Enter by the “narrow gate”; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.  Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which “leads to life”, and there are few who find it.   (Matthew 7:13-14)   The Narrow Way is “The Way of Love”; “Doing For Others”. Make Christ Real In Your Life,  “Through” Growth, Which Starts as “A Choice”, “A Decision”! To “Experience Spiritual Growth”, We Must “Live Focused on Eternity! With eternity in our heart/mind the Holy Spirit will lead us to the Narrow Gate.   The Old Creature, by default will go to the “wide gate”, the natural, easy way, along with the crowd, the majority.  Remember, the majority is normally wrong.  The few will enter through the narrow gate, the majority will go through the wide, easy gate.    It takes more effort, work, sacrifice, accommodating, f

The Second Coming.

                                                               The Second Coming.   The First time as Savior, the Second time as King.   But in those days, “after that tribulation”, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.  And then shall they see the “Son of Man Coming In The Clouds With Great Power and Glory”. (Mark 13:24-26)   Prepare Today For The Second Coming! The First Coming of Christ was Quiet, No One Saw Him. The Second Coming Will Shake the Powers in Heaven, Every Eye Shall See Him.   The Bible Speaks Twice as much about the Second Coming of Jesus than it spoke about the First Coming Of Jesus.  I heard a man say, the best insurance for a good tomorrow is a “Well Lived Today”. To Love the Lord and to Love our Neighbor as we love ourselves, is how Kingdom Citizens “Live Each Day Well”.   Our Daily Nugget talks about “after that tribulation”.  Times will be tough in t

To "Know"!

                                                                        To “Know”!   To “Know Wrong”, one “Must Know Right”!   Study to show thyself “approved” unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, “rightly” dividing the “Word of Truth”.  (2 Timothy 2:15).   Too much is at stake to “Not Know”! Our Daily Nugget is a command from God, failure to obey it is sin. When was the “Last Time” you Studied the Bible to Know What You are to Do?   We can “rightly” divide the Word of Truth, or we can “wrongly” divide the Word of Truth. No one is born “Knowing Right”.  God’s Word, for us, is the Only Right Thing!  I Can’t Tell You What Is Wrong If I don’t Know What Is Right!  Feelings, Religions, Traditions, are not the Word, but manmade Rules and Regulations!   Studying, learning The Bible, “programs” our Thinking Process, our Heart/Mind, to  “Hear and Obey the Holy Spirit”.  When we study, we put God’s Word in our heart/mind, now when we are confronted with a dilemma the Holy Spirit w

A "Sincere" "Brotherly Love"!

                                                       A “Sincere” “Brotherly Love”!   If It Ain’t Love, It’s Just Noise.   You were cleansed from your sins when you obeyed the truth, so now you must show “sincere” love to each other as brothers and sisters.  Love each other deeply with all your heart (mind).  (1 Peter 1:22)   Since we can’t fool God; why not “Be Sincere”?   Sincerity – Free from pretense, deceit, hypocrisy. Sincerity – Eagerness to do what is right, with transparent motives.   Our Daily Nugget is Peter, letting us know that as New Creatures, Kingdom Citizens, that we are to be “sincere” in our actions toward one another.  He is telling them that the way of deception, pretense, hypocrisy, was the way of their forefathers, which was against God and a way that they must turn away from.    Brotherly Love is Just & Fair!   Being insincere and deceptive is our “natural fallen state”.  Jesus is calling us to “repent” and “be saved”.  We either repent and be saved or we d


                                                                             Angels!   The Kingdom Citizen’s Bodyguard.   For the angel of the Lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who “fear” Him. (Psalms 34:7 Don’t you realize that I could ask my heavenly Father for angels to come at any time to deliver me? And instantly he would answer me by sending more than twelve legions of angels to come and “protect us”.  (Matthew 26:53-54)   Angels are Spirit Beings, Mighty Warriors, servants of God and Man.   Fear – To hate evil, pride, arrogancy and the froward (smart) mouth, the evil way. Legion – A legion is six thousand.    Our Daily Nuggets are letting us know that God’s Angels surrounds and defends us when we “hate” evil, pride, arrogancy, the froward mouth, (what we today call a smart mouth), and the evil way of living.  Evil is doing to people what you would not like done to you.  To fear the Lord is not to be afraid or scared of Him.   Angels are still sent by God today to pro

The "Rod of Correction"!

                                                          The “Rod of Correction”!   To “Spare” the Rod is to “Ruin” the Child.   Foolishness (mischief) is bound in the heart (mind) of a child; but the Rod Of Correction “shall” drive it far from him.  (Proverbs 22:15) Those who “spare the rod of discipline hate their children”.  Those who “love their children care enough to discipline them”. (Proverbs 13:24)   Foolish Children Grows Into Foolish Adults. It is the Job of the Parents to Drive Foolishness out of the Heart/Mind of the Child.   God Knows Best For His Creation! To Spare the Rod is a form of Child Abuse. Mischievousness is Bound in the heart/mind of a child. The Rod of Correction drives Mischief out of the Heart/Mind of The Child! The Child Learns Discipline, Now The Child can Live Between the Lines of Life.   Foolishness – Lack of good sense or judgment, stupidity.  Lacks wisdom. Mischievousness – Rottenness, corruption, nuisance, depravity, or disturbance. Both definitions

The Alpha and The Omega!

                                                         The Alpha and The Omega!   All Things are Known by: “The First And The Last”; The “Beginning And the End”!   I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning, and the End, the First and the Last.  (Revelation 22:13) Dearly beloved, do not be ignorant of this one thing: that one day is as a thousand years with the Lord, and a thousand years is as one day.  (2 Peter 3:8)   The First and the Last “Being One”, Know Everything about All that is “In Between”! If God Were Not the First “And” the Last, How Could He Be God? Let this Truth, that is a Fact, “Move us to Trust God” for All Our Needs.   Our Daily Nuggets are written by John and Peter; they are both telling us that God is the first and the last, the beginning and the end of “All Things”.  They are telling us that God is not “slow” in administering His World; but that God is “patient” with us, giving us time to repent and be saved.   What does it mean to be The First “And” The Last?


                                                                               Woke!   This is “The Day” To Accept God’s Salvation”.   And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the Angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died and was buried.  And “In Hell He Lift Up His Eyes” (He Woke Up), being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.  (Luke 16:22&23)   Wake Up Today, While It Is Day! Woke – “Aware of” and “actively attentive” to “important facts and issues”.   The Bible says, “Giving to the poor is like lending to the Lord”; therefore, “Refusing to Give to the Poor is like Refusing to Give to The Lord”.  The Bible says, “It is Better to Give than to Receive”; it is Great Wisdom and Great Benefit to live in obedience to this scripture.  We all will stand before God to “Give an Accounting” to Him of our actions and inactions while on earth.  Imagine That, standing before God explaining why we did what we did.  We will not be able