
Showing posts from June, 2024

Between The Ears!

                                                                  Between The Ears!   The Place Where Everything Starts!    By the “Word of the Lord” the heavens were made, and by the “Breadth of His Mouth” all their hosts.  (Psalms 33:6) You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil “say” anything good?  For the mouth speaks “what the heart (mind) is full of”.  A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.  (Matthew 12:34-35)   God gives us Control of our life through Thinking. Our Words Starts “Between Our Ears”, through Thinking. The Mouth Speaks “What” we have Filled our Heat/Minds With. Everything Starts in the “Unseen”, the “Spirit World”, “Between the Ears”.   Man is not what he Thinks he is, man is “What” “He Thinks”.  What we Think is the sum of what we have consumed through our eyes and ears. Everything has a Starting Place and an Ending Place.  The Heavens, its Host, started in the Word of


                                                                              Ministers!   All Kingdom Citizens are Ministers of the Gospel.   Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul.  Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may “see your good deeds” and “glorify God” on the day He visits us.  (1 Peter 2:11)   Sinful Desires are “At War” against “Your Soul”, to destroy your ministry. Your Soul is the real you, after the body dies the soul lives on throughout eternity, either with God or Satan.  Satan want the real you to dwell with him in eternity.   Ministers Must Abstain! Ministers living Holy, glorify God. The accuser’s job is to accuse the Ministers. The Minister’s Job is to “Live Above Reproach”. Ministers Must Live Godly Lives Among a Pagan Society!   God has never required His Ministers to live without ever making a mistake or committing a sin; God has req

The True Self.

                                                                      The True Self.   The Child-of-God Self.   But whoever did want him, who believed he was who he claimed and would do what he said, He made to be their “true selves”, their Child-of-God selves.   (John 1:12)   The True Self is based on the Word not the World. The True Self is based on God’s Word not on Man Made Rules and Regulations.   Our Daily Nugget is God’s Offer of Salvation; this Salvation saves from “everything” we need saving from.  We need saving from the Penalty, the Power, and the Presence of Sin.  All who “Wanted Jesus” and “Believed” He was who he said that Jesus made them to be their True Selves, “Looking and Living Like Him”.   We were saved from the Penalty of sin when we “First Believed”; we are saved from the Power of sin “As Often was we ‘Trust’ Him to Save Us”.  We must “Want Jesus” and we “Must Believe” that He will save us and “Do What He Said”.  We will never know what Jesus said, “If We Do Not ‘

Empty Words.

                                                                    Empty Words.   Empty Words leads to Death!   But I tell you that everyone will have to “give an account” on the day of judgement for “every empty word” they have spoken.  (Matthew 12:36)   Our Words are the “Fruit” of our Thinking Process, or Heart/Mind. Our “Words” will lead to Life or Death, and we will be Judged for them!   Our Daily Nugget  is Jesus letting the people and us know that we must be careful that our words are not “Empty Words”; as we must explain to God why we used Empty Words.    God has given our Words “Creative Ability”, like His Words.  He holds us responsible for every word we speak, because our words will help or hurt, create life or death, for the hearers thereof.  This is why “gossip”, which are words that leads to death, is such a dangerous sin.  Gossip is “empty words”; resist the temptation to gossip.   Empty – Lacking “meaning” or “sincerity”.  Nothing, vain.   Wisdom says, “Take time to ‘p

Live It.

                                                                              Live It.   Make It Real, “For You”!   This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.  If we say we have fellowship with Him while we walk (Live) in darkness (disobedience), “we lie” and do not practice the Truth.  But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, “we have fellowship with one another”, and “the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin”.  If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the Truth is not in us.  If we “confess” our sins, he is faithful and just “to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”.   (1 John 1:5-9)   There is no Salvation for “The Liar”. To “walk in the light” is not to say we have no sin. New Creatures “Live It”, Old Creatures “Don’t Live It”. The Bible does not say that “we’ve got to grow into it”, the Liar does!   It is impossible to be a New Creature and an Old Cr

Act Like A Man!

                                                                  Act Like a Man!   Real Men “Observes” what “God Requires”!   So be strong, act like a man, and observe what the Lord your God requires: Walk in obedience to him, and keep his decrees and commands, his laws, and regulations, as written in the Law of Moses.  Do this so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go.  (1 Kings 2:2-3)   Words From A Dying Father, Guaranteeing Prosperity.   Our Daily Nugget is David giving instructions to his son Solomon on “How to Live and Prosper”.  These instructions were for Solomon and for us.  This prosperity is not measured in dollars and cents.  These are the areas of prosperity; right thinking, being accommodating, Joy-filled, Christlike, humble, just, fair, may or may not include money, filled with peace, a loving family, etc.   David is letting us know that we must “Obey The Bible” to be prosperous.  Being a millionaire or a billionaire is not the type of Prosperity our Dai

What Then?

                                                                         What Then?   Vanity of Vanity – All Is Vanity.   Laughter, I said, is madness; and what does pleasure accomplish?  (Ecclesiastes 2:2) I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart (mind) no pleasure.  My heart (mind) took delight in all my labor, and this was the “reward” for all my toil.   (Ecclesiastes 2:10)   Thou shall have no other “god” before me. After I have fulfilled all “my” heart/mind’s desires; “What Then”?   Vain – Empty, nothing, worthless, or to no good purpose. Vanity – The idea is almost exclusively that of “emptiness”, including “idolatry” and “wickedness” as being not only evil but vain and empty things.  They also signify falseness.   What Then? Although just two words, “This is a Big Question”. It is wise to answer, “Before Any Endeavor”, if we do not answer it correctly, before we began any endeavor, then our endeavors can prove to be vain, empty, worthless, idolatrous, wicked,

Good Soil!

                                                                            Good Soil! Good Soil “is not” Perfect Soil!   The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful.  But the seed falling in “good soil” refers to someone who hears the word and understands it.  This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.  (Matthew 13:22&23)   Good Soil – The Heart/Mind “Committed” to The Word!   Our Daily Nugget are about two sets of people. The people who Loved the Word and People Who Loved the World. God’s Word tell us that we can’t serve two masters, we will love one and hate one.   Our Love or Lack Thereof Determines Our Soil! The Good Soil and the Thorns are determined in our Thinking Process, our heart/mind.  If we love the world we will worry about things of the world and will do whatever the world deems need to be don

God's "Greatest Miracle"!

                                                         God’s “Greatest Miracle”!   Heart Transplant.   And I will give you a new heart (mind), and I will put a new spirit in you.  I will take out your stony, stubborn heart (mind) and give you a tender, responsive heart (mind).  (Ezekiel 36:26) I will put my laws into their minds (hearts), and write them on their hearts (mind), and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.  (Hebrews 8:10)   Creating New Creatures from Old Creatures!   The Heart (Mind) we were born with needs to be Replaced. We were born in sin and shaped in iniquity.  This means we all are born no good, wicked, evil, selfish, uncaring, etc.; God cannot not use us when we “Think” like this.  God did a “Heart Transplant” to get us right and ready to “Do His Work”.  This heart transplant allows us to dwell with God throughout eternity and to give us Salvation today from the “Power of Sin”.   It is “critical” to remember that we are New Creatures, and we must “Sto

The Righteous May Enter.

                                                          The Righteous May Enter.   None but the Righteous, Shall See God.   The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you, and your whole family”, because I have found you “righteous” in this generation.  (Genesis 7:1)   Jesus is our Ark Today.  Only the Righteous can enter into His Rest.   Righteousness – Means living in “right relationship” with God, other people, and all creation.  The Bible defines “right relationship”.  We act with righteousness when we live justly, honestly, and faithfully, according to God’s Instructions.     Religion and tradition are not God’s Instructions; the Bible is God’s Instruction Manual. Our Righteousness or our unrighteousness is based on how we “Obey or Disobey the Bible”, not how we obey or disobey religion and tradition.   Our Living and our Dying “will” Follow our Focus. Noah was Focused on God; the people were Focused on Self/Pleasure.   There is nothing new under the sun.  Right Living was re

Decent Men.

                                                                     Decent Men.   Ten Decent Men Could Have Saved A City.   God said, If I find fifty “decent men” in the city of Sodom, I’ll spare the place just for them.  Abraham came back, “do I, a mere mortal made from a handful of dirt, dare open my mouth again to my master?  What if the fifty-fall short by five-would you destroy the city because of those missing five? ……. Don’t get angry, Master-this is the last time. What if you only come up with ten?  For the sake of only ten, I won’t destroy the city. When God finished talking with Abraham, he left.  And Abraham went home.   (Genesis 18:26-33)                                                                                                                   Be One of the Ten! Hold Up the Blood-Stained Banner  When God looks at us, He look at us through the Blood of Jesus. When God see us through the Blood of Jesus, He sees “Decent Men”.   Decent – “To Do” something honestly or to

Don't Let Go!

                                                                     Don’t Let Go!                                            The Wisdom In Persistence!   And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him “until the breaking of the day”.  Then he said, “Let me go, for the day has broken”.  But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me”. (Genesis 32:24 & 26)   How Bad Do You Want It? Don’t Let Go Until You Get Your Blessing!   Our Daily Nugget  is Jacob being in a Wrestling Match with an Angel, all night long.  The Angel hit Jacob on his hip and made him limp.  But Jacob would not let him go, even after he asked Jacob to let him go.  Jacob’s “heart/mind”, his Thinking Process”, was committed and determined to “Be Blessed”.   Jacob wanted his blessing. He knew that the Angel could bless him.  A blessing is a good thing, and he was determined to Get His Blessing from this Angel.  God has Angels blessing us today.   We have Guardian Angels today, with Blessings f

Faith - Remove Your Mountains.

                                                    Faith – Remove Your Mountains.   “Belief” and “Forgiveness”, the Legs to our “Faith”   And Jesus answered them, Have faith in God.  Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, be taken up and thrown into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart (mind) but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him.  Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you “have received” it, and it will be yours. (Mark 11:22-24)   Belief and Faith “Makes It Real”! We believe, doubt, and exercise our Faith, all in our Thinking Process; in our  Heart/Mind!  Once we Make it Real in our Thinking, we will see it in our Living.   God desires to hold no good thing from us, but He requires that we have “Faith” in Him and to “Doubt” not when we ask Him for something, but we must “Believe” that what we say will come to pass, then it will be done.  God gives us this ability to “Create Life With Our Words”.  Understan