
Showing posts from August, 2024

The Power in Modesty!

                                                          The Power in Modesty!   Should I or Should I Not be “Modest”?   For by grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not “think” of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather “think” of yourself with “sober judgment”, in accordance with “The Faith” God has distributed to each of you.  (Romans 12:3)   The modest spirit has “died to self”! Modesty – The road to a “Stress Free”, and “Fruitful”, Life! The modest person knows that “Through Christ” they can do “All Things”!   God “Has Given” each of us “The Faith” we need to do the work that He has created us to do.  To believe and understand this fact, gives us the “Courage” to be “Modest”.  There is no need for the modest person to prove anything to anybody, including self. The modest person is concerned about how God sees them and not people.   Modesty – An off shoot of “Humility”; More of God and less of self, its trademark.                 Evidence that one has placed their h


                                                                          Patriotism!   To What or To Whom?   It is I who made the earth and created man on it.  (Isaiah 45:12) I have sworn by myself, “The Word” is gone out of “My Mouth” in righteousness and shall not return, “That unto ‘ME’ every knee shall bow”, every tongue shall swear. (Isaiah 45:23)   Devotion and Patriotism Walk Together. Kingdom Citizens are Patriotic to “The Word, The Bible”, to “The King”!   The King of the Kingdom only permits His Citizens to be Patriotic, Devoted, to Him.  In our society today there are many expressing their “patriotism, devotion”, to political parties or causes.  Be careful that this patriotism, devotion, does not become your “god”.  If it does, it will make you an Enemy of God.     Patriotism that leads one away from “Loving Your Neighbor” is not from God and it is demonic.  Love is from God; it is supreme over all religions and traditions and patriotisms.  A man was patriotic to the United

Trust "Truth"!

                                                                   Trust “Truth”!   God’s Word, The Bible “Is The Only Truth”!   But I “Trust” in you, Lord; I say, You are my God.  (Psalms 31:14) But when He, the Spirit of Truth”, comes, He will guide you into “All the Truth”.  He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come.  (John 16:13)   The Truth is Able, Faithful, and Cannot Lie! We all will “Trust” something or somebody.  But Who or What?   There is “The Truth” and there is “the lie”.  Satan is the Father of Lies.  The Bible says, leaders should not lie.  To depend on lies is choosing Satan as our Father.  God is Spirit; the Spirit World “controls” the Physical World.  The Spirit World can deliver, the physical world cannot deliver.    Trusting religion and tradition is not the same as “Trusting Truth”. The Truth is God’s Word, religion and tradition are man’s words; there is no salvation in man’s words.  God tells us that

Status Quo.

                                                                           Status Quo. The Status Quo Must Go!   Behold, I am doing a “New Thing”; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?  I will make “a way” in the wilderness and “rivers” in the desert.  (Isaiah 43:19) Therefore, if any man be “In Christ”, the “New Creature” has come: The old “Has Gone”, “The New Is Here”.  (2 Corinthians 5:17)   The “New Thing” cannot come until the “Status Quo Goes”!   Status Quo – The current state of things. The Status Quo was The Law, Religions, Traditions; “They Cannot Save”!  Everything in the Old Testament “Points to The Cross of Jesus The Christ”.  Man needed a New Thing, the Status Quo could not save.  God’s Love for man would not allow him to enter into eternity in their “fallen state”.   The wilderness and the desert are all there is if we are “Living by Sight” instead of “Living by Faith”.  New Creatures can “speak those things that are not, as if they are”, new creatures can pray fo

Practice Sin No More!

                                                            Practice Sin No More!   To Be “Born Again” Makes A Difference.   Anyone born of God refuses to “practice sin”, because God’s seed abides in him; “he cannot go on sinning”, because he has been born of God.  (1 John 3:9) We were buried therefore with Him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead “By The Glory Of The Father”, we too might walk in “Newness of Life”.  (Romans 6:4)   “I Know Longer Practice Sin”, “I Just Cannot Go On Sinning”. Practice – To perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one’s proficiency.  Practice makes perfect.   New Creatures do things differently now that they are New Creatures.  One thing they do differently is they do not “Practice Sin”; they Repent and Are Saved; “They Quit Sin”.  To Quit Sin is to make “a decision” to Live for Christ, based on The Bible; this means it is God’s Will, always over My Will. 

Mercy Triumphs Judgment.

                                                        Mercy Triumphs Judgment.   Judgment is for “The Merciless” Ones! For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy.   Mercy triumphs over judgment.  (James 2:13) Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.  (Matthew 5:7) Let us then “with confidence” draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace “to help” “in time of need”.  (Hebrews 4:16)   Be Merciful Today to Receive Mercy Tomorrow! No one can stand with God’s Judgment, “We All Need Mercy”!   Grace – Free, underserved Favor from one to another. Judgment – To decide, give a verdict, declare an opinion.  Merciful -  Willing to be kind to and forgive people who are in your power.   With Grace comes Confidence to “Stand on God’s Word” in the face of All Dilemmas; this is called “Faith”.  God’s Grace on our lives produces courage to Live Right in a Wrong World.  Judgement is coming to all, as we all are guilty, and standing in need

Wisdom the "Vehicle to Patience"!

                                                  Wisdom the “Vehicle to Patience”!   Therefore, “Foolishness Is The Vehicle To Impatience”!   A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to “one’s glory” to overlook an offense.  (Proverbs 9:11)   When Wisdom is absent, Foolishness Fills the Void!   Glory – 1.Brightness or splendor. 2. Great Power and Strength. 3. Majesty and honor.  Offense – An injury or wrong done to one. Patience – The ability to endure difficult people and situations without giving into         anger or giving up hope. Wisdom – Truth (God’s Word) applied in specific situations for Godly ends.            The foolish deny God and His wisdom, the wise embrace God and His wisdom.   Our Daily Nugget is basically telling us to “Let It Go”, “For Our Sake”.  We benefit when we Let It Go, “forgive an offense”, because God Said To.  It takes patience to Let It Go.  Wisdom is the vehicle that drives us to Patience.  We will never be patient without wisdom.  Prayers to God for Wi

The Salvation in "Desire"!

                                                          The Salvation in “Desire”!   My “Desires” declares me “Innocent or Guilty”.    As it is, it is no longer I, myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.  For I know that good of self does not dwell in. me, that is, in my sinful nature.  For I have “the desire” to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.  For I do not do the good “I want to do”, but “the evil I do not want to do”- this I keep doing.  Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it but is “sin living in me that does it”.   (Romans 7:17-20).   My “Real Self” Lives in My Desires. Sincerity and Truth are in My Desires.  My “Motives” are formed here!   Desire – To long for, to ask for, to demand.  To desire is “To Think”.  Our Thinking               forms our thoughts.  Our thoughts are the beginning of the things we do and                don’t do.  Desire is Spiritual Activity; the spirit world controls the physical.   Obedience and sin alike dw

As You Did "IT"!

                                                                     As You Did “IT”!   As You Love or Hate, you Shall Be Loved or Hated!   “Give and ‘IT’ shall be given unto you”.  A   good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.  For with the measure you use, “it will be measured to you”.  (Luke 6:38)   You Caused the Good and You Caused the Bad!   Our Daily Nugget  is letting us know that “whatever we give”, “IT” shall be given back to us; in much greater proportion than what we gave.  Rather we want “IT” or not does not matter, “IT” will be poured into our laps.  God is a God of “Equal Weights and Equal Measures”, and He has placed His Seed Principle in everything, including Love and Hate, Good and Bad, Given and Receiving.    We cannot get away with doing right nor wrong.  We will reap blessings or curses for our actions.  Our “Thinking” guides “What We Give” and “What We Don’t Give”!  The more I “Think” about Loving God and Loving Yo

The Fruit of Adultery!

                                                             The Fruit of Adultery!   There is the Adulterer and the Adulteress.   For a prostitute will bring you to poverty, but sleeping with another man’s wife will cost you your life.  (Proverbs 6:26)   Your Life - The Price Adultery Charges!   Adultery starts between our ears in our heart/mind through a form of Thinking that we call “fantasying”.  Our life or our death follows our focus.  To “see” is one thing, to “look” is another.  To keep our eyes fixed and focused on God’s Word, the Bible, is protection from the demon of adultery.   We control what we think, then what we think control us. Adultery don’t just happen, it is wrong, but it is never just a mistake.  It doesn’t matter how “common” adultery is, it is always very destructive and a disregard for God’s Command.  We do not commit adultery because we are weak, we commit adultery because we “chose to”.  Adultery is using our spouses’ body to have sexual intercourse with some


                                                                           Defiled!   What Defiles the Body?   Again, Jesus called the crowd to him and said, Listen to me, everyone, and understand this.  Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them (in their mouths).  Rather, it is what comes out of a person (out of their mouths, their words) that defiles them.  (Mark 7:14-15)   To Use “Our Words” instead of “God’s Words” “Defiles Our Bodies”! Defiled Bodies are not allowed into the Kingdom of God on Earth nor in Heaven.   Our Daily Nugget is Mark letting the people and us know that our bodies are defiled by what we “Think About”.  We are “What We Think”, we are not what we “Think we are”.  The things we Think about will come out of our mouths; what comes out of our mouths defiles us.  Solomon said, be careful “what” you think, for through our thinking, “we set the boundaries of our life”, life or death, heaven or hell.   Our Heart/Mind, Thinking, leads us to life or dea

Godly Sorrow!

                                                                 Godly Sorrow!   There is Godly Sorrow and Worldly Sorrow.   Godly sorrow brings “repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regrets”, but “worldly sorrow brings death”.  (2 Corinthians 7:10)   Godly Sorrow Brings Life, Worldly Sorrow Brings Death! Kingdom Citizens “Speaking The Truth In Love” might make us “feel bad”, but as  we understand it better, it produces in us “righteousness and holiness”, “life”. Sorrow that we experience from the “wrong things” we say and do brings forth death.   Sorrow – A feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other                  misfortune suffered by oneself or others.   The scripture says, “All Things Work ‘Together’ For The Good” of those who Love the Lord, including Sorrow.  Truly there is an up and a downside to everything.  Therefore, we can “Count it All Joy”.  Thank God for everything, as everything works “together” for our good.  God makes good out of ba

Why Love?

                                                                         Why Love?   To Love is “Evidence” We Belong To Jesus!   Beloved, let us Love one another, for Love is from God, and whoever Loves has been born of God and knows God.  Anyone who does not Love “does not know God”, because God is Love.  (1 John 4:7-8)   God Is Love.  If I “do not” Love you, I “do not” Love God!   Our Daily Nugget is letting us know the difference between Real and False Love. This is where being saved and being lost is known.  I can say, I Believe until the sun rise in the west, but if I do not Love you as I Love myself, I do not Love God nor do I know God.  Don’t be surprised at the judgement.  The Bible says, some who said they believe, Lied.   To Love or not to Love  lets us know if we Lied or told the Truth when we said we “Believe”.   Going to Church, given much money and spending much time with Church activities are just a “waste of your time” if you don’t Love.  Anyone who does not Love, accor