
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Law is "Dead"!

                                                                 The Law is “Dead”!   To “Live” we must “Die” first.   Do you not know, brothers and sisters-for I am speaking to those who know the law-that the law has authority over someone “only as long as ‘that person’ lives”?  (Romans 7:1)   Have you died yet?  To Die is not the end, it’s the beginning!   A wise question for us to ask ourselves is “what am I living for”?  “What” I am Living for, “What” I am Thinking about, will determine who has authority over my living.  Our natural self, the Old Creature, wants more and more stuff and things, the world.  Our new self, the New Creature, wants more and more of the Word, the Bible.   Solomon said, be careful “What” you Think; as “What” you Think, sets the “boundaries” of your life, your living  Thinking is spiritual activity that leads to creation in the physical.  To “Think” about the fact that now I am under “Grace”, will lead me to do what New Creatures do, “LOVE”.   The Law says,

Courage to Love.

                                                                  Courage to Love.   Don’t Be Afraid of Their Faces.   For God has not given us a “Spirit” of fear and timidity, but of “Power”, “Love” and “Discipline”.  (2 Timothy 1:7)   The Spirit World controls The Physical World.   To have a spirit of fear and timidity is natural, we were born with it; it is part of our fallen nature.  When we become “Born Again”, we receive a New Spirit, He is called the Holy Spirit.  He is filled with Power and Love.  A spirit of fear and timidity cannot dwell in a heart/mind that has been “Born Again”.   The Holy Spirit Gives Us “The Courage to Love”, To Obey. Jesus says to us, If you Love Me, you will Obey Me; to Obey is to Love.   God has given us the Holy Spirit.  God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are “One”; it’s called the Godhead.  The Holy Spirit “Lives In Us”; and is aware of Everything that occurs concerning us.  To be fearful and timid is evidence that the demonic spirit is controlling our

The Wisdom in Trusting.

                                                          The Wisdom in Trusting.   In Whom or What Do You Put Your Trust?   Trust in the Lord “with all your heart (mind)", and “do not lean on your own understanding”.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.  (Proverbs 3:5-6) When I am afraid, I put my Trust in you.  In God, whose “Word” I praise, in God I Trust; I shall not be afraid.  What can flesh do to me.  (Psalms 56:3-4)   Everybody Will Trust Somebody or Will Trust Something.   To Put our Trust in any other than or ahead of God is “Great Foolishness”.  To Trust in the Lord means more than believing in who He is and what He says, the word here for Trust can also mean “to have confidence in”.  Having confidence in something means having an assurance that leads to action.     To Trust in the Lord is “A Faith” that leads to action, where we “boldly serve”.  To Trust the Lord is to “Exercise The Faith” that God has given us.  To trust or not to t

Why Be Humble?

                                              Why Be Humble?                                              God Cares For The Humble!   By Humility and the Fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life. (Proverbs 22:4) For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.  (Luke 14:11) Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.  (1Peter 5:6)    Therefore, “We Should Always ‘Humble’ Our Selves”!   Humility – Recognizing our dependence on God and valuing others above ourselves         with a modest, selfless attitude. Fear of the Lord – To love what God loves and to hate what God hates.  Exalt – To lift up.  To become high.    God has said in the Bible that He would “Never Reject a Humbled and a Repentant Heart/Mind”.  God has promised to “exalt” the humbled heart/mind.  We all want to be exalted by God.  None of us want to be humbled by God.  Therefore, we should humble ourselves.                        

Put Away The Sword!

                                                             Put Away the Sword!   If We Can “See It”, It’s Not The Enemy.   Then Jesus said to him, “put your sword back into its place”.  For all who take the sword will perish by the sword.  (Matthew 26:52) For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.  (Ephesians 6:12)   To Fight a Spiritual War “We Must Use” Spiritual Weapons.   Our Daily Nugget is telling us that, The Sword represents the world’s way, a worldly weapon, used by the Old Creature.  The New Creature are “Required” to use Spiritual Weapons as we Fight in this Spiritual War.  We also must “Know The Enemy”.  If we can see it, it’s not the enemy.   The Bible says, we have “Righteousness” (Right Living) as our Weapon, both to “Attack” and to “Defend” Ourselves With!  Showing Kindness to people who are unkind to us is a Spi

Tell It Like It Is.

                                                                     Tell It Like It Is. Speak The “Truth” In Love!   The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because “I testify about it that its works are evil”.  (John 7:7) Instead, speaking the “Truth in Love”, we will “Grow Up” to become in every respect the mature body of Him who is the Head, that is, Christ.  (Ephesians 4:15)   Staying Out of People’s Business is Unbiblical, its Worldly.    The “Words” of a “True Friend”, will hurt, but they will help!  The words of a “True Friend” are not concerned about making you “feel good”, their words are concerned about making you “be good”.  To make one be good is love, to only make one feel good is noise. Love leads to life; noise leads to death.   The “mature person” wants to be told when they are wrong, the immature person would rather be wrong than to be corrected; that’s real foolishness.  Today, many Kingdom Citizens are dedicating a great amount of the twenty-fours God gives us to

The Necessity of Vision.

                                                          The Necessity of Vision.                                 He Who Aims at Nothing, Normally Hits It!   Where there is “No Vision”, the people “Perish”: but he that keepth the law (God’s Word, the Bible), happy is he.  (Proverbs 28:18)   The Blind does not Know God’s Word, the Bible. When “The Blind” is leading “The Blind”, they both “Fall Into a Ditch”!   Perish – To be destroyed or turned to ruin. Vision – The act of seeing external objects; actual sight.  Faith here is turned into      vision there.  The faculty of seeing; sight.   What Are You “Looking At”? We can be blind with our eyes wide open.  There is no “hope” for the people without “vision”.  Vision and wisdom walk together.  A lack of vision leaves us with foolishness.  If we do not “look”, we will never “see”.  God’s Word, the Bible, “Gives Us Vision”.   God’s Word, the Bible, is Light and Life; this Light and Life is Vision.  The Kingdom Citizen with a heart/mind to


                                                                        Protected.   Kingdom Citizens are “Protected”!   And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.  (Luke 4:4) And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things (The Words, The Truth), were filled with wrath, and rose up, and thrust Him (Jesus) out of the city and led Him unto the brow (top) of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast Him (Jesus) “down headlong”.  But He (Jesus) passing through the midst of them “Went His Way”.  (Luke 4:28&29)   He (Jesus) “Went His Way”! He walked through the midst of them.  No one laid a hand on Him.   We, Kingdom Citizens” have a Savior and a Lord, who are one in the same, who has been given “All Power” over everything on earth. Who Loves us and are “committed to our care”, who oversees “everything”.  We can and must “Trust Him”.   Our Daily Nugget is telling us how the Holy Spirit protecte

I'll Go.

                                                                              I’ll Go.                                                        Who Will Go For Us?   Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people?  Who will go for us?”  I said, “Here I am. Send Me”.  (Isaiah 6:8) And if any man asks you, Why do ye loose him?  Thus, shall ye say unto him, “Because the Lord Hath Need of Him”.  (Luke 19:31)   The Lord Needs It. Let The Lord Use You. God Needs Others to say,  “Here I am.  Send Me”!   The sin of Adam caused all people to “die” and to need Salvation.  God and Jesus are Spirit beings, man and woman are physical beings.  God needed a physical sacrifice, “pure enough”, to pay for the sins of man.  God asked, who will go for us, Jesus said, “Here Am I, Send Me”.  Are you willing to go?   If you are not willing to die to self, “You Can’t Go For God”.  “God is Love”.  We “Go” for the benefit of one another because we Love the Lord and we Love our nei

Call On Him.

                                                                     Call On Him.   When We Call On His Name.                                         God is our “refuge and our strength”, “a very present help” in trouble.  “Therefore” we will not fear.  (Psalms 46:1-2)   Who Can Stand Against Us, “When We Call On His Name!   Our God is “Quicker Than Right Now”, that’s very present, and He Loves us, “Beyond Measure”.  But We Need To Call On Him.  He knows what we need before we call, But we need to Call On Him.  The Greater our “intensity” in The Call, the Greater is His “Intensity” in Answering our call.  After the call, consider it “already done”, and never doubt.   Refuge – A condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble. Strength – A place or means of safety, protection refuge, or stronghold. Don’t fear, “Just Call and Watch What Happens”.   To fear is to be afraid concerning our circumstances or current environment.  Any darkness chasing us must stop, once w


                                                                               Greed!   When “Nothing” is “Enough”.   Keep your lives free from the “Love of Money” and “Be Content” with what you have, because God has said, “I will never leave you; never will I forsake you.”  (Hebrews 13:55) Therefore, put to death what belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desire, and “greed”, “which is idolatry”.  (Colossians 3:5)   Christians and our Capitalistic System. Greed is idolatry, which is “The Worship of False Gods”. People all over the world want to come to America, “The Land of Get Mo”.   Greed – “Intense” and “Selfish” desire for something, especially “wealth”, power,     or food.   A heart/mind that is “Not Content” with what they have are “Vulnerable Prey” for the Demon for Greed.  When does it go from working to earn a living to Greed?  When nothing is enough, we will do most anything to “get mo.”  Love goes out the door.   Our Daily Nugget  is tellin

Sincerity and Truth.

                                                                 Sincerity & Truth.   Sincerity and Truth “Walk” Together.   Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the “Truth”, so that you have “Sincere” love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart.  (1 Peter 1:22)   The Sincere Heart/Mind “Trust God”, the Insincere Heart/Mind “Trust Self”.   Our Daily Nugget is Peter admonishing the people and us to “Be Holy”, like our Father is Holy.  There is no “holiness” without Sincerity and Truth.  A Sincere Heart/Mind “Will Tell You The Truth”.  To lie is evidence of Insincerity and a heart/mind that does not Trust God.  In the verses 1-21, Peter was telling the people that Jesus is our Living Hope and to Trust Him is to Obey Him.  Never Trust a liar.   Sincerity – “Eagerness” to do what is right, with “transparent” motives.   Sincerity and Truth Guides Us to “Live Holy”. Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your “hope” on the “grace” to be bro

"Fretting" leads to Evil.

                                                         “Fretting” leads to Evil. Fretting is Wicked Thinking, it “Produce” Evil Actions.   Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret-it leads only to “evil”.   (Psalms 37:8)    Fretting is due to “Wrong Thinking”. Our “Thinking” Produce the Thoughts we have. Our “Thoughts” are the Beginning of What we Do and Don’t Do.   Anger -    A passionate and active response of the entire person to a real or perceived              wrong.  Anger is a God-given emotion of displeasure. Evil – Morally wrong or morally bad; immoral; wicked.  Evil deeds.  Fret – To burn or to be kindled with “anger”.   When we allow our angry “thoughts” to become kindling, burning in our minds/heart, they can “spark” angry actions, evil, we might regret. Wrath – A strong feeling of hatred and resentment with a desire for vengeance.             One filled with wrath, is on an express highway to death.   We Can Obey Our Daily Nugget! Everything we say and do is t

Make The Kingdom Yours!

                                                        Make The Kingdom Yours!   “Be The Church” – “Love Your Neighbor”.   The Kingdom is yours “for” when I was hungry, you gave me food to eat.  When I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink.  When I had no place to stay, you welcomed me into your home.  When I was without clothes, you gave me something to wear.  When I was sick, you cared for me.  When I was in prison, you came to visit me.   (Matthew 25:35&36)   Feeding your Neighbor “is” Feeding Jesus. The Kingdom becomes ours when we “Be The Church”, when we “Love”. Selfish people cannot Make the Kingdom theirs; they cannot Love their neighbor.   Our Daily Nugget makes it plain,  To Live Inside the Kingdom of God While Still on Earth, “We Must Love”.   It is good and pleasant when our needs are met, especially when we cannot see food in the cabinet and the family is hungry and here you come with bags of food, or when I was locked away in prison and you “came” to visit me,