
Showing posts from October, 2024

Why Study?

                                                                       Why Study? Study to be “Obedient” and “Wise”.   Study to shew thyself “approved” unto God, a workman that needeth “Not to be Ashamed”, “Rightly Dividing” “The Word of Truth” (The Bible).  (2 Timothy 2:15) A wise person knows what to do, a fool only thinks he knows what to do.     (Proverbs 12:15). A wise person will receive “correction”, a foolish person will not. Study To Avoid Being A “Foolish” Person!   To attempt to do “a work” without knowing the Instructions on how to do the work will lead to “Being Ashamed” because “We don’t know what to do”, now everybody else knows we don’t know what to do. We feel stupid, and think they believe we are stupid to. We’re not stupid, just unlearned, which lead to foolishness.   Foolish – Someone who refuses to “listen” to wisdom or “learn” from discipline.               Failing to “Fear God” or respect “God’s Instructions for Living”.               Much like the dog that retur

The Lord Needs It.

                                                                The Lord Needs It.   Let The Lord Use You, “LOVE”!   If anyone asks you, “Why are you untying it”?  Say, “The Lord Needs It”.   (Luke 19:31)   When The Master Calls, Never Resist, “Be Ready” To Go!   Our Daily Nugget is about when Jesus was getting ready to go into Jerusalem and He sent His disciples to go into town where they would find a donkey tied up. Jesus was going to ride on the donkey into Jerusalem.  Jesus told them to untie and to bring the donkey to Him.  He also told them that if anyone asked them what are you doing untying my donkey,  Jesus said for them to say, “The Lord Needs It”.    Always remember, all-day, every day, that the Spirit World controls the Physical World.  God is Spirit, Jesus and God are one, therefore, even though Jesus was in a Physical Body He was still Spirit; as God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one.   The Bible tells us that God and Jesus know what “We Have Need Of” “Even Before we As

Exercised "Faith".

                                                                  Exercised “Faith”.   Exercised Faith Releases “Power”!   For by grace given to me I say to everyone of you not to think more highly of yourself than you ought to “think”, but to “think” with sober discernment, as “God ‘has’ distributed to each of you” “A Measure of Faith”.  (Romans 12:3)  Now Faith is the “assurance” of things hoped for, the “conviction” of things not seen.  (Hebrews 11:1)   God “Has” Given Us “A Measure of Faith” that is “Sufficient” for us to “Carry Our Cross”.   In our Daily Nugget we see that the central feature of Faith is “confidence” and “assurance”.  When we “Exercise our Faith”, “God Releases His Power”.  This is “Putting Faith to the Test”.  God doesn’t mind us putting Him to the test.  He even invites us to do it.   Faith – Is considered a belief and trust in God, based on evidence but without total             proof.     Before God laid the foundations of this world and created the first pers

God "Performs" His "Word"!

                                                      God “Performs” His “Word”!   We can “Trust” God to “Perform” His Word.   Then said the Lord to me, You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over “My Word” to “Perform It”.  (Jeremiah 1:12)   We must Exercise  the Faith that God has given us, to “See” Him Perform His Word.   Our Daily Nugget is God giving Jeremiah and us the command to speak The Word that He puts in our mouths, our heart/mind, to the people.  Oftentimes The Word  is in direct opposition to what the people are doing or want to do.  This can cause people to make crazy faces.     God told Jeremiah and He is telling us “Don’t be afraid of their faces”;  people can really make some faces.  We must just Trust God to “Perform His Word”; and we know that Nothing is Too Hard for Him.   Perform – Carry out, accomplish, or fulfill.        We can “Trust” God to “Perform His Word”, “The Bible”. Faith – “Complete Trust” or “Confidence” in someone or something.   To

Obey or Pay.

                                                                        Obey or Pay.   Obedience Is Not Optional!   But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and blessing and calamity you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.  (Genesis2:17)   It’s “My Thing” I Can Do What I Want To Do! “Not”! “It is never your thing”; rather bound for heaven or for hell.   Our Daily Nugget is God talking to Adam, right after He had finished creating His Creation.  Our Daily Nugget is part of the instructions God gave Adam on “How To Live” here on earth.  God told Adam that he could eat the fruit of any of the fruit trees in the garden, “except one”.  Adam “Disobeyed”, therefore Adam had to “Pay”.   Adam chose to “Obey” Eve’s words and to "Disobey" God’s words.  Satan worked through Eve to get Adam to disobey what God told him to do.  Even though we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we still must “Obey”, or we will “Pay”.   Jesus Christ did not die s