
Showing posts from February, 2025

Robbed of Humility.

                                                                Robbed of Humility.   Who Robbed the Children of Humility?   Whoever spares the “Rod” “Hates their Children”, but the one who “Loves their Children” is careful to discipline them.  (Proverbs 13:24)   The Rod of Correction “Produces Humility” in Children.   Our Daily Nugget is letting us know that if we refuse to use the “Rod of Correction” on our children, to make sure they learn to “Live between the Lines of Life", and “Respect people”, that we “do not Love them”, but “We Actually Hate Our Children.   How we “Feel” is Not Love, what we “Do” is Love!   Humility – The practice of meekness, obedience to God “RESPECT” of self and others,                          ...

The "Door" is "Still Open".

                                                       The “Door” is “Still Open”.   Work, While it is Day.   Jesus says, “I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is “Still Day”: the night cometh, when no man can work.  (John 9:4)   A male and a female of “all flesh” went in as God had commanded Noah.  Then “the LORD Closed The Door” behind them. (Genesis 7:16)   Get Into The Ark Today, “Love”!   Our Daily Nugget is about two men that God used to bring His Offer of Salvation to a lost world.  All who believed and accepted His Offer was saved from this lostness.  This offer was first made at the beginning of Time, and God is making this offer at the End of Time.   Noah preached for 100 years to the people to “Forsake Pleasure and Sin”, to Repent because its “Gonna Rain”...

Follow Me.

                                                                         Follow Me. Never Follow Yourself!   The backslider in heart (mind) “will be filled” with “His Own Ways”, but a “good man” will be satisfied from above.  (Proverbs 14:14)   For me to follow me is to “Reject God’s Wisdom”.   Our Daily Nugget is letting us know that to be “Filled With Our Own Ways” is evidence that we are a “backslider in our heart/mind”, which means that we have rejected God’s Way to follow “Our Way”.  God’s Way leads to life, our way leads to death.   Backslider in Heart (Mind) – Means someone who has turned away from God.   We will follow whatever or whoever we “fill our heart/mind” with!  If we fill our heart/mind with God’s Word, we will follow God’s Word....


                                                                           Protected!   Protected By Angels.   For He will command His “Angels” concerning you to guard your “in all your ways”; they will “lift you up in their hands”, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.   (Psalms 91:1-12) Then “The Angel” of the LORD went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp.  When the people got up the next morning-there were all the dead bodies!  (Isaiah 37-36-38)   Angels are Spirit Beings; the Spirit World Controls the Physical World!   Angels are “Protecting” us Each Day and All Day! Angels are called “ministers” in Hebrew 1:7.  Their role is to serve those who are to “Inherit Salvation”, tha...

Just Call.

                                                                         Just Call.   Salvation is Only a “Call” away!    For there is no difference between the Jew and Gentile-the same Lord is Lord of All and richly blesses all who “Call On Him”, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”.  (Romans 10:12-13)   Our Deliverer is “Standing By”, Ready to Save.   Our Daily Nugget is Paul telling us that “Whosoever” “Call” on the Name of The Lord “Shall Be Saved”. This salvation includes everything that we could possibly need to be saved from. Sometimes we might not be aware of what we need to be saved from, that’s alright, The Lord Knows; “Just Call”.   The Whole Mission of Jesus is Salvation; until we are With Him!   Before Jesus there was a d...

Perfect Peace.

                                                                      Perfect Peace.   Peace or Conflict, Your Choice.   You will keep in perfect peace all who “Trust In You”, all whose “Thoughts are ‘Fixed’ on you”!  (Isaiah 26:3)   The Peace of Christ Comes Through “Thinking” – It Leads to Doing.   Our Daily Nugget says, “If you want Peace, You Can Have Peace”. Our God is a God of Peace, our Lord is a Lord of Peace.  The Peace of Christ offers Peace amid confusion, calm in the midst of the storm, peace and hope in despair.  This Peace is based on what’s going on “between a person’s ears”.  To learn “What To Think” is knowledge to keep our heart/mind in Perfect Peace.   The Peace of Christ – Refers to a deep, unshakable inner peace that comes from ac...

A Tough Place To Live.

                                                            A Tough Place to Live.   Is A Land Without “Sincerity & Truth”.   The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the “thoughts” of the human heart (mind) was only “evil” “all the time”.  The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on earth, and His Heart was deeply troubled.  (Genesis 6:5&6)   God’s Hand is against us when we reject sincerity and truth for deception and lies. This rejection Leads to Wickedness! Are We There Yet?   Wickedness – The quality of being evil or morally wrong.  The wickedness of the                        regime. Evi...

Where do you Keep your Eyes?

                                                 Where do you Keep your Eyes?   Keep your Eyes on Jesus and Jesus will Keep His Eyes on you!   Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, “fixing our eyes on Jesus”, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.  “For the joy set before Him” “He endured the cross”, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.   (Hebrews 12:1-3)   If we  “keep our eyes on the world”, “Jesus is not ‘guiding’ our living”.   Satan, working through people, are always working to get us...


                                                                           Fulfilled.   Completed or Achieved.   I have brought you glory on earth by “finishing the work” you gave me to do.   (John 17:4)   We Are “Fulfilled” When We “Be All That God Created Us To Be”.   Our Daily Nugget is saying to us that Jesus has “Fulfilled His Purpose” for coming to earth.  Jesus remained “Focused on Fulfilling His Purpose”, the world and the things in the world never got Him distracted from His Purpose.  Jesus prayed to God for Help; we must pray to God for Help.   Fulfilled – Satisfied or happy due to “fully developing one’s abilities or character”.   Jesus and every other person have a Purpose to Fulfill.  To fulfill our purpose, we must be...

Smooth Words.

                                                                     Smooth Words.   Smooth Words Can’t Save.   These people are “stubborn rebels” wo refuse to pay attention to the Lord’s Instructions. They tell the seers, Stop Seeing Visions!  They tell the prophets, Don’t tell us what is right. Tell us nice things.  Tell us lies.  Forget all this gloom.  Get of the narrow path.  Stop telling us about you Holy One of Israel.  (Isaiah 30:9-11)   The wicked and evil “Requires Smooth Words”!   Our Daily Nugget is Isaiah speaking to Israel, and to us, who are not living according to God’s Instructions, even though they are very religious people.  Being religious does not mean that our actions are pleasing to God.  Israe...

I Lied.

                                                                                I Lied.   But “I Am Not A Liar”.   Now Peter was sitting out in the courtyard, and a servant girl came to him.  “You also were with Jesus of Galilee,” she said.  But he “denied it before them all”.  I don’t know what you’re talking about, he said.  Then he went out to the gateway, where another servant girl saw him and said to the people there, “This fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth”.  He denied it again, with an oath: I don’t know the man!  After a little while, those standing there went up to Peter and said, “Surely you are one of them; your accent gives you away”.  Then he began to call down curses, and he swore to them, “I don’t...

The "Face of Love".

                                                          The “Face of Love”.                                                                Be The Church!   The Kingdom is yours for when I was hungry, you gave me food to eat.  When I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink.  When I had no place to stay, you welcomed me into your home.  When I was without clothes, you gave me something to wear.  When I was sick, you cared for me.  When I was in prison, you came to visit me. ...


                                                                      Consequences.   God “Said” let there be light and light appeared.   You will “have to live with” the “consequences” of everything you “say”.  What you “say” can preserve life or destroy it.  (Proverbs 18:20-21)   The “Words” of my mouth produced these “Consequences”.   Our Daily Nugget is letting us know that our “Words” will produce the “Consequence” of life or death.  For every “action”, there is a “reaction”, a consequence. Obedience leads to life; disobedience leads to death.     The consequence will occur even if no body hear what you say.     The words we say are due to “What We Are Thinking”.   Consequence – The result of actions, due to our Thinking, its positive or neg...